"Morning shows the day."
The rays of early sunrise indicate about the appearance of whole day. Primary stage always states clearly about the result going to be produced. Along with that another plus point is we can mould primary stage according to...
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It was the eve of Vasant Panchami. Dau was supervising decorations. After being satisfied with decorations dau thought to take Kanha's opinion.
"Kanha, once see the decorations," Dau urged after looking Kanha coming towards him.
"Dau, it's amazing. From where did you get such nice ideas of decorations?" Dau smiled being happy with Kanha's praising.
"From Vrindavan, by witnessing Radha's arrangements for several functions. You say our ladli should be connected with each essence of love, and Radha is love herself. So, I made an attempt in this direction," Dau answered holding the content over his work.
"I appreciate your thought and efforts, Dau!" Kanha moved eyes over decorations keenly after listening dau's answer.
"Observing the decorations didn't you get the reflection of Radha's pure love which is my inspiration in this work?" Suddenly dau's curiosity became active.
"I felt it, Dau. But love and you! It's a matter of deep consideration. That's why I asked to be confirmed," Kanha laughed at his own comment.
"Very funny, Kanha!" Dau rolled eyes upward at Kanha's teasing
"Dau, we have to collect one hundred eight white lotuses for mata Saraswati. For that we have to get up early in the morning than usual, and have to return before the time of mata's morning walk," Kanha told the plan making dau do hurry in wrapping up the rest.
In early morning dau was sleeping peacefully. Kanha shook him, but no success. After that he called loudly .
"What, Kanha?" Dau asked rubbing his eyes to wipe sleepiness.
"Dau, get up. We have to go. We have a lot of tasks to accomplish," Kanha's words brought him back to reality.
"Let's go, Kanha!" Dau stood up hurriedly.
Then they brought white lotuses, completed Rohini's morning walk, and engaged themselves in the occasion. Each step completed finely making the agenda reach at evening veneration.
"O' Veenapani, may the melody of your veena keep ringing in our lives, gracing us with peace and purity. Please bless everyone," Vasudev folded his hands in name of Goddess Saraswati.
"O' Hanshvahini, may everyone get conscience like your swan to differentiate in between right and wrong, fake and real. Bless our unborn to get the best in life," Devaki prayed with a smile of content.
"O' Sharda, may your divinity be the delight of everyone. Fulfill the wishes of my sons regarding their ladli," Rohini dedicated each word devotionally.
"O' Vidyadaini, we want your calmness in our ladli's personality. Like the strings of your veena she should have both silence and intensity in a perfect combination, and at last make Kanha talk less in riddles. His riddles take the test of my patience each time which is the toughest task to deal with," Dau urged sincerely.
"O' Goddess adorned with white robes, we want the pristine glow of our ladli's personality shine at the highest, and along with that bless my dau with more patience as dealing with my words is always problematic for the level of his patience," Kanha wished with a smile.
"I can't interfere in both of yours banter, Narayan and Shri Sheshnaag. I am accepting all of yours wishes about welfare of everyone, and surely for the unborn preciousness of Dwarka," Goddess Saraswati replied to brothers through telepathy.
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So readers, here's the next part.
Now questions.
(1) Any fact you liked here?
(2) Any gesture to be commented?
(3) Any guess or expectation for next?
Hey LAXMIPATI SHRI NARAYAN, please accept the positivity of my this work as an offering to you in name of all wellbeing of my LIFELINE.