Incorrect Quotes

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Just some random incorrect quotes featuring the Cozy Clan!


Chocobean: *sharpens knife* We have ways of making people talk.

Thief: *gulp*

Chocobean: *cuts the cake*

Thief: Ooh! Can I have some?

Beanie Blossom: Cake is for talkers.


Beanie Princess: I am at a loss for words!

Beanie Boss: Oh boy–

*An hour later*

Beanie Boss: *to Beanie Mclee* Despite being at a loss for words, Princess yelled at me for 45 minutes straight.


Beanie Blossom: Welcome to my first vlog in which I will try different hair products.

Beanie Blossom: *sprays hairspray into her mouth*

Beanie Blossom: Well, right off the bat I can tell you that this one is not very good.


Beanie Blue: Surgery is just stabbing someone to life.

Beanie Bisexual: Please, never become a surgeon.


Beanie Bisexual: You're smiling. Did something good happen?

Beanie Boss: Can't I smile just because I feel like it?

Chocobean: She saw Beanie Princess trip and fall in the parking lot.


Beanie Blossom: *signs a legal document with a glitter gel pen*


The Clan: *stargazing*

Beanie Bisexual: Do you guys ever wonder about things?

The others: *in unison* No.


Beanie Mclee: I screwed up big time.

Beanie Boss: Given your daily life experiences, you're gonna have to be more specific.


Beanie Princess: *on phone* Why are you calling me so late?

Beanie Blue: *looks at burning house* I've done something bad.

Beanie Princess: *sigh* Fine. Put the corpse on ice. I'm on my way.

Beanie Blue: No, no, no. Wait, why would I–


Beanie Bisexual: *looks at messy kitchen* I hope you have a good explanation for this.

Beanie Blossom: Oh, we have three actually.

Chocobean: Pick a favourite!


wE hAvE nO iDeA sO dOn'T aSk!

The Misadventures Of The Cozy CouncilWhere stories live. Discover now