Chapter 1

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Alexandra Harding was walking into the large building with a coffee cup in her hands when Dot walked up to her
"You need a date" Dot informed and Alex rolled her eyes
"I already told you no" Alex replied as she threw her coffee cup in the trash
"C'mon, I know you're lonely. You're parents live in Texas, you're sister's in Colorado and you live alone in L.A. That's dangerous" Dot said as she put her blonde hair in a ponytail
"Dot, I got a dog and besides, men are like cats, they only stick around because they feel superior or they need money, food, shelter and so on" Alex said and Dot scoffed
"They do not. I can prove it" Dot said
"Ryan Reynolds before Blake Lively proves nothing" Alex said
"Yeah, it does" Dot said as Alex got to her desk and Dot took out her phone and showed Alex a video of a very affectionate Ryan Reynolds talking to her
"That's off of YouTube and it's fake" Alex said
"Then why am I in it" Dot asked
"Photoshop" Alex replied and Dot rolled her eyes
"I'll see you at lunch" Dot said before leaving for the Forensics department and Alex looked down at her desk and saw a pile of files as Captain Dan Sherroe's assistant walked by
"The Cap wants to see you" she informed as she walked by and Alex sighed before walking toward the elevator and clicking the button
"Hungover?" a voice asked behind her and she turned her head to see Nick Shaw, her partner
"Definitely not" Alex said as Dot and John ran over
"The Cap called you guys too?" John questioned
"Yep" everyone replied in unison as the elevator door dinged and they all walked inside and stood in awkward silence
"So... how's everyone's day going?" Dot asked and Alex looked down at her feet
"God..." she muttered as the elevator door opened and they stepped out but Nick brought Alex to the side
"I know you're hungover" Nick whispered
"What makes you think that I'm hungover" Alex asked
"You're being more you than usual" Nick replied
"Excuse me?" Alex said defensively
"I mean... you can be brutally honest at times" Nick said
"I wouldn't say brutally..." Alex said
"Really?" Nick said and Alex rolled her eyes
"I guess, I can be a little brutal" Alex admitted
"Back to the hangover, what's the big deal" Nick asked
"The last time I was hungover and I came to work, I sort of lost my temper and attacked a suspect in interrogation" Alex said
"And?" Nick questioned
"It's technically not legal but that same suspect was actually the rapist" Alex said
"Shaw! Harding!" Dan yelled and they turned around and cleared their throats before walking in the office
"Captain" they greeted
"Harding, you smell like a strip club" Dan said and Alex sighed
"Really? I didn't notice" Alex answered sarcastically
"Don't mind her. She's in a mood today" Dot said
"Anyway, I've called you here because I need you to work together on a case" Dan said
"What case?" Alex asked
"There's been a series of kidnappings, we have reason to suspect a pedophile ring" Dan said
"Any leads?" Alex asked
"Check your desks. Meeting over" Dan said and they separated, Dot and Alex went down the stairs and John and Nick went in the elevator

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