the kidnapping

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no ones pov

"bye mom!..uhm" said kaminari while walking out the door to make his way to school , "i hate her stupid husband , go damnit why did she marry and ass like him?" kaminari was talking shit about his dad not realizing someone was following him , in a matter of seconds kaminari was being pulled from behind with a cloth over his mouth passing out almost instantly from the smell

kaminari fluttered his eyes open , it was pitch black , he was scared he felt something tight around his hands , handcuffs he started moving his hands trying to break free he tried to scream but something was covering his mouth , it was only muffled screams until he could see again , i blonde boy pulled a mask from his face "your awake" he looked kaminari in the eyes with , all kaminari let out was muffled screams
"if you shut up ill uncover your mouth" kaminari stopped screaming "if you scream after i do it ill snap your neck" he slowly uncovered his mouth , the blondie who kidnapped kaminari looked like he coul easily snap his neck so he kept his mouth shut , he then looked around the room , a dirty basment he was chained to the ground by really tight handcuffs , everything was so dirty there was a window letting in some light in he looked back at the boy "w-whats your name?" he asked "hmm now why would i tell you that?" "because you just fucking kidnapped me you bi-" the boy covered kaminaris mouth "dont get cocky" kaminari was giving the blondie a death stare "you can call me bakugou" kaminari nodded since his mouth was still covered "your gonna be staying here for awhile , i know your wondering why so let me tell you" bakugou took his hand off kaminaris mouth "that old man of yours , hes not a good guy" bakugou stood up , he looked oddly beaten up , he didnt have a shirt on , since he didnt kaminari could see all lf his scratches and bruises and what looked like scars from self h@rm on his arms "i know that.." "when i mean hes not a good man i mean , hes killed people.." bakugou look kaminari directly in the eyes , kaminari could tell he wasnt lying... "h-how? what? w-wait HUH?!" bakugou looked down and seemed to get sadder "he killed my sister , the only person left alive that cared about me , just because i didnt pay im 10k!" all kaminari did was stare in shock.. "so im killing you" "WHAT?!" kaminari started trying to get out of the handcuffs and screamed "i loved my sister, he killed her , he loves you , so its only fair if i-" "he doesnt love me.." "oh well..your dying , tonight." was the last thing bakugou said before walking up the stares leaving the basement , kaminari heard locks so he knew bakugou locked the door..

kaminari had his back leaned against the wall hoping god would forgive him for his sins , he chuckled "im going to hell tonight , i aint getting into heaven" he noticed that it was dark outside , night time.. "im gonna die soon , im gonna die soon" he was repeating that while trying to get out of the chains , to bad there where hands cuffs on his hands and chains on his feet that hurt like hell "this is impossible.." just after he said that the basement door opened and bakugou came walking down the stairs , this time holding a knife "nice to see you again-" "get it over with , just slice my neck" bakugou chuckled "you look awfully sweaty for someone who has been chained to the ground for 5 hours , stop trying to escape and relax for a second" "i hate you"

"awhh but we only just met"

(word count:636)

in love with my kidnapper (kamibaku)Where stories live. Discover now