Chapter One - A for Astonished

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1min 0.3 seconds
Everything's dark. In fact I can't even see myself, it's that dark. I can feel myself but I can't really, if that makes sense, which it probably doesn't. I don't feel aware of anything around around me like I can't comprehend it. I can't see a damn thing, it's endless, like a world in minecraft. Actually, it is a lot like that, a virtual reality. Or maybe I've finally found my way out of the matrix and an agent stopped me on the way. Who the hell knows?

5mins 45 secs
My body it feels like someone's holding it... It's weird everything hurts and before I know it I'm on the floor, it knocks the air right out of me and I can't really explain the feeling after that, but I can feel the ground in this dark abyss now. In fact, my head hit it.



"Ma'am please stop or we'll have to send you out, you could be hurting her."


"...Why are they always like this Clive?"

6mins 2 seconds
I'm back... It's still dark, I'm still here but I don't know what that was. There were voices talking about someone. They just refered to the person as 'she' or 'her'... I don't know who it is but I'm assuming it's me. Who else could it be? I'm so confused...

8mins 39 seconds
I would like to say it's been two or three minutes but I wouldn't know would I? I've been on the floor for what seems like forever, I haven't moved since, the incident. One thing has changed though. I've been crying for awhile - not saying anything just crying. I've realised something you see, I don't know who I am or why I'm here and it hurts. I don't know my name, age, what I look like, where I'm from or why I'm in this hell hole. I KNOW NOTHING ABOUT MYSELF. ZILCH. NADA. ZERO.
I know about things, I remember English, clearly, but then I remember unnecessary things like video games with horrible graphics and movies that make you question everything. But myself? NO! I know nothing and quite frankly, that hurts, it hurts worse than when you stub your toe or when you and your friend have a fight!

You know what? I might not even have friends.

9mins 48 seconds
I'm now, what I assume to be, throwing pucnhes at the air and just generally stomping around. This'll last a while, I guess I need to get it out of my system.

16mins 04 seconds
I've broken down into tears again. Standing this time. I've gone crazy and I've been in this place for.. I can't answer that - it feels like a lifetime. Do you know what I have realised as well? I haven't tried speaking. Yes, I've been stomping up and down this place, silently yet angrily, like a hippo without a mouth. Great image there, well done me.
I suppose I should probably try to speak. I know this'll sounds weird, but I'm really scared to, not knowing what I sounds like and all. I guess I sound like what I think I sound like. But it's not only that, it feels like someone's watching me, or warning me, or maybe threatening me. I feel like I shouldn't speak.

18mins 52 seconds
I've managed to build up the courage to speak, after a bit of sniffling. Gosh, I am really a cry baby? Wow. Could have been a lot of things but I guess this works.


My voice comes out as a croak, as though I haven't used it for a long time. It echos all around me for a second then I feel something, only for a split second but it was definately there, it's like a feeling of Deja Vu mixed with the sick feeling. Before I can't throw up my lungs there's a blinding light.

I hit the floor of the dark abyss again and I'm on the floor again, but I can't open my eyes. It's like the 'closing my eyes dark' not actual dark so that's something.

30mins 1 second
Feels like I've been out for a while, I don't really know how to feel about it. All I know is that I'm in pure shock, I'm astonished.

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