Chapter 1

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Loki sat in his cell, chained up, breathing heavily.

His cell door opened and Tom Hiddleston ran in kneeling in front of Loki.

"Hey. I'm so happy you're ok." Tom said, placing his hand on Loki's cheek.

Loki leaned into Tom's touch relaxing.

Tom got Loki free from the chains pulling him into a hug. Loki kissing Tom's shoulder to make sure it was real.

"I'm real Loki. I'm right here." Tom soothed placing a kiss on Loki's forehead.

Loki let a chocked sob, curling into Tom.

"It's ok Loki. I'm here now. Let's get you out of here." Tom said getting Loki to stand.

They got off of Asgard with the help of Thor and Heimdall.

"Take care of my brother." Thor said wrapping his cape around Loki, keeping him warm.

"I love you Loki. Get better please." Thor whispered in Loki's ear kissing his temple softly.

Tom got Loki off of Asgard and to his home, laying the tired man on his bed. Tom then went to start a bath getting it to a nice warm temperature, going back to his room getting Loki.

He helped Loki get out of his rags and tossing them away.

Tom sat Loki in the bath tub watching the broken man sit in there, tears streaming down his face.

Tom took a washcloth and let Loki look at it before he proceeded to clean Loki.

"I love you Loki." Tom said placing a kiss on Loki's forehead.

Tom finished cleaning Loki off and took him to Tom's room getting him in comftorable clothing.

That's when Loki hugged Tom crying.

"Shh. Shh. It's ok. Shh. You're safe. I've got you now." Tom soothed the scared man.

"I don't feel safe. I feel safe around you." Loki whispered.

"Hey Tom." They heard Chris Hemsworth.

"In here Chris." Tom called.

Chris entered the room and saw Ton holding onto Loki and Loki clinging to Tom for protection.

Tom kept Loki close to him making sure Loki felt safe, feeling Loki kiss his shoulder a few times before going to sleep.

"What happened to him?" Chris asked.

"He was tortured for a long time." Tom replied.

Chris went and sat next to Loki and Tom running his hand through Loki's hair.

Loki looked terrified.

Tom didn't know what to do to help.

He never expirienced something like that.


There was a knock on the door and Loki pressed himself closer to Tom seeking protection from Tom.

Loki continued to kiss Tom's shoulder afraid he would wake up and Tom would be gone.

"Loki. It's ok. It's all real." Tom soothed lifting Loki's face to face him.

"I'm sorry." Loki apologized.

"Don't be. We got you out of there. I'm not mad that you keep checking that I'm real." Tom said.

Loki started crying and Tom pulled him close hugging him tightly.

"I'm scared. I don't want them to take me again. Don't let them take me." Loki cried.

"I won't let them." Tom replied calmly moving Loki's hair out of his face.

Loki felt safe and went to sleep.

Tom laid down and pulled Loki's skinny body close.

"Sleep well Loki. I'll be here. I'll be right here for you." Tom soothed falling asleep too.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13, 2021 ⏰

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