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lEts gET sTartEd sHalL wE...?

You feebly nod. It's been an hour since he offered to start this game.


qUesTi0n NuMbeR 0Ne...h0w dId y0U GeT hERe...?

"I...I don't know..."

Dark smiles.

aRe y0U sUre...?

You perk up, your mind racing as you frantically think of another answer. "W-WAIT-! I...I GOT HERE 'OF MY OWN ACCORD'!" you shout, recalling what Wilford told you earlier. You silently give a word of gratefulness for his enigmatic, confusing responses.

c0rReCt...d0nT exPeCt aN0theR 0unCe 0f leNieNcy...i w0nT bE s0 f0rgIvIng nExT tiMe...

You slowly nod in acknowledgment and wait for the next question.

QuEsti0N nUmbEr tW0...whAt d0 y0U thInk y0uR fAte wIlL bE...?

Pausing, you stop to think. This couldn't have a definite answer...could it?

"A fate worse than death...?" you mumble weakly.


"A- a fate worse than death."

Silence envelopes the room.


You breathe a heavy sigh of relief and prepare to answer the third and final question.

quEstI0n nUmBEr thReE...wHaTS sT0pPinG mE fr0m kIlLiNg y0U rIgHt n0w...?

"N-nothing," you quickly say, watching for his reaction.

It feels as though all the oxygen has been sucked out of the room. Your fingers curl up and dig into the chair's arms.


The cold silver blade Dark had hidden in his sleeve is now pressed against your neck.

"Don't...don't kill me...p-please..." you beg, hyperventilating.

whY...? Y0UlL jUst c0mE bacK...y0u alWayS c0Me baCk...iSnt tHat rIghT...? n0 mAttEr whAt t0rmEnT y0u pUt 'y0U' tHr0uGh y0u alWays c0mE bAcK f0R m0re...cHaptER afTeR cHaPtEr afTer cHaPteR afTer cHapter aFter ChApTer AfTer chApteR...AnD whAt iF 'Y0u' dIes...? iM iN c0nTr0l n0w...i wIlL bReaK frEe anD I wiLl KilL y0u aNd i WiLl mAke y0U suFfEr f0R tRapPinG mE hEre...

The blade presses deeper in your neck.

...s0 whAt d0 y0u sAy wE d0 A lItTle...eXPerImEnTati0N...?

He slices across your neck, leaving a bright blood splatter across the coffee table in front of you. You slowly choke as blood fills your throat and spills out your mouth, coughing to no avail. The world is going dark and it's over. You've lost to him. You slump over as your vision blurs considerably.

Out of the corner of your eye, you see Wilford run out, dripping wet, bath towel around his waist. His pink hair is sopping in his eyes as he angrily sprints over to Dark.


dEad...jUst lIke y0U wanTed...

"I didn't want that! I wanted you to..."

You're dizzy and it's cold and something is shining in your eyes and you can't feel it but it's there and it's everything you've ever dreamed about and wanted and it's so warm but you're so cold and the world is going dark but you don't really care because the light is warm and you're so cold

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13, 2021 ⏰

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