Chapter 3: Tests

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IM ALIVVEEEE!! Sorry for the wait! I was working on my other fics. I think Ive made you guys wait long enough, yes? WaT will be updated next, so look out for that. Don't mind me, just sitting in the corner, watching you. I hope you guys like the update!


Izuku could see the shock and fear flash in the heroes eyes, and kept his gaze down on his backpack. Eraserhead was quick to control his face again, speaking carefully and slowly. "What does that mean?"

His hand found one of his old notebooks and he pulled it out gently. The corners were burnt a little from when Kacchan accidently made a small pop when he had snatched it from Izuku's hands. The number nine was written on the cover in sharpie, along with the infamous "Hero Analysis for the Future" title. He ran his hand over it and relished in the memories. A time when he still had a dad that was alive and a mom who loved him. Back when his sister was just a newborn, innocent and small with a beige horn just like his.

a sense of helplessness washed over him, and he opened the notebook to reread the analyses inside.

"You'll see," Izuku sighed. "It's always less painful when you just listen to them. They hate it when you fight back."

Eraserhead just looked concerned and tense. Anxiety was apparent in the small crease in his brow. Izuku was glad that he had gotten so good at reading people. It was easier to know if he was going to get hurt that way.

It was silent for a while. He used that time to look through his bag more, placing Eri's drawing in the right side pocket. He flipped through the other notebooks that he'd put in there and shuffled his hand down to the bottom of the bag and pulled out his small worn teddy bear and his All Might action figure. He also recovered Eri's pacifier unicorn plushy.

He hadn't been able to see his bag in what felt like forever, after Chisaki put him on the chain.

It was nice to have his things back.

He opened the other pocket in the back of the bag and found his old clothes. Mostly t-shirts and hoodies with the exception of one pair of shorts. Nine year old Izuku wasn't very smart about packing. That fact was also clear at the sheer amount of baby onesies were in the bag.

"What will they do?" Eraserhead broke the silence.

Izuku looked up at him and then to the clock on the wall. About three hours before someone came in and disrupted the peace. Looking back at the hero, he looked at him sadly.

"You'll see."


Shouta was uneasy. Scratch that. He was restless, nerves firing and fists curling up in preparation of what was coming. His gut was screaming at him, telling him to run and get out get outgetoutgetout.


This was no time to panic.

The monotone voice of the child next to him was accompanied by an expression of regret. Deku was still shuffling through the backpack, pulling items out to look at them, only to put them back. The only thing that stayed out was the first notebook he'd grabbed and a small worn teddy bear.

And suddenly, the kid looked younger. He looked young before, but was suddenly smaller. Scared. Shouta's eyes cast a glance to the metal shackle around the boy's ankle, chafed and dried blood just under the restraint.

Shouta looked away before the kid could notice, and instead looked at the notebook that Deku was flipping through with the stuffed animal tucked under his arm.

This kid couldn't be older than thirteen.

"How old were you when you got here?" Shouta asked cautiously.

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