Chapter 10

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"Nikki." Dean just kind of stood there, I turned to go back in the kitchen, Dean follows me, "Nic will you stop cleaning?" "I made a mess I have to clean it up!" I was rushing around, "Stop please!" As soon as Dean said that I dropped another plate on the floor. "I need to go." I start to leave the kitchen when he grabs me, "I'm gonna take you to Bobby's." "Why?!" "There is something coming for me, for us and I want you to be safe." "You've gotta be kidding me!" "Look you can yell and get pissed at me later but now go pack some stuff!" "I know how to kill things, remember I was hunting a year by myself!" "I know but now I'm here and I'm gonna keep you safe!" I rolled my eyes and went to our room. "I take it she's not happy to see me." "No she just had a bad day at work." I came out the room with my bag and the dogs things, "What's with the dog stuff." I gave him a dirty look, "I'm not leaving her." He nodded, we all got in the car and I was back to my usual back seat spot, Aurora laid across my lap and I stared out the window. We got to Bobby's, "Hi Bobby." "Darlin." I walked in and went upstairs, Bobby grabs Dean, "This better not be what I think it is!" Dean steps aside to let Sam in, "Sam." "Bobby." "Wait a minute this doesn't look like a surprise to you!" Sam and Bobby didn't say anything, "Bobby?!" "I've known Sams been alive for awhile." "Are you kidding me!! Did you forget to tell me?!" "Dean you were out! You were happy! You got married for christs sakes!" "Whoa married?" Sam laughs, "Shut up Sam!" "Where's the ring?" He's smiling at Dean, "Sam shove it! Bobby I know you had good intentions but he's my brother..." Bobby gets mad, "She's your wife!! You started a life with her!!" Dean looks down, "I know Bobby." "Now get your ass upstairs and tell her everything is going to be ok." Dean went upstairs. "So Bobby how does that whole marriage thing work? I mean without a marriage license?" Sam says like a smart ass, "You listen here boy! They have something that a hunter only dreams of! You coming back to find Dean was the worst thing for them!" "Jeez Bobby calm down!" "Sam, don't get me wrong I'm happy you're out of hell but you should have left them alone." "Can I come in?" I didn't say anything, "I know you're pissed at me but..." "Pissed? You think I'm pissed? Try let down, disappointed, hurt oh and I should have known better!!!" "Ohh k that sounds like you're pissed." I gave him a dirty look, "Just cause Sams back doesn't mean..." "Doesn't mean what that our life is gonna be the same that you'll act like Sams not even here?!" "Don't be like that. I have to go take care of whatever this is and then I will be back, we will be back." He walks over and kisses my head and walks out the door. "Dean? Tell me you're not going on a hunt?!" "Bobby I have too but just this one." "I've heard that before." I came down stairs, "That damn shoe dropped." "Oh darlin I'm sorry." "It's ok Bobby I should have known better." I walked upstairs and grabbed Aurora and her leash, "Is it ok if I walk her around the yard?" "You betcha." I was outside for what seemed like forever, as it got dark I decided to sit on the front steps with the dog, I see headlights coming. Dean gets out alone, "Hey." "Hey." He sits down next to me and pets the dog, "So where's Sam?" "He's gone, I left him with the Campbell's." "So what's that mean?" "It means Im done." "You're done with what?" "I told you I needed to get this one because it was coming for us and now I'm done." I couldn't get excited because I knew with Sam back it was only temporary. I didn't say anything I just got up and went in the house, "Nic? Hey wait." I kept walking and I went upstairs. "Dean just let her go." "I came back Bobby, I dropped Sam off and I'm done that's it." Bobby rolled his eyes, "What?!" "So you're telling me you can just walk away like nothing?" "I came back!" Dean walks in the kitchen to grab a beer, "That didn't answer my question!" "I love her, I love this life we've made, so yes I can say I'm done!" Bobby gets a big smile on his face, "That's the right answer! I'm proud of you boy! Now get upstairs and convince your wife."

I was in the room sitting on the bed when Dean came in, "You still mad at me?" "I'm not." "I told you I would be back." "Yeah but for how long?" "I want this, I'm here for the long haul." "I know a part of you does but I know a part of you wants to get back to the you and Sam days." "There are no more me and Sam days it's you and me now." I sighed, "I know you better than I know myself, I have no doubt in my mind you love me and you are happy to be my husband but I know you miss hunting." "Do I miss the death and the pain and heartache no, but I do miss the saving people part of it." "That's what I miss most about being a doctor." He looks down, "I didn't say that to make you feel bad." "I know but Nic you gave up everything for me just like that, and for years I couldn't even give up killing monsters for you, but now I am." "Don't do this for me Dean because if you do one day you'll wake up and resent me for it." "I'm doing this for us, because I want you to have the life you've wanted." "See there it is again, the life I've wanted what about the life you want?" He starts to get frustrated, "I just can't say anything right here can I?! I want you! I want this life or some other life as long as I have you!" I could tell he was getting upset, "Let's just talk about it in the morning ok?" He nods, "Aurora down girl!" The dog got off the bed and into her little bed, "I think she needs a bigger doggie bed." I smiled but he did nothing. In the morning we went back to our house, Dean tried his best to act like nothing has changed but I could tell he was thinking about Sam. "Pizza ok for dinner tonight?" "Uh huh." He didn't take his eyes off the t.v. I ordered the pizza, "Hi." "Hey it's um 24.75." I handed him 40.00, "Keep the change." "Wow really?" "Yeah." "Thank you! Hey so I was wondering if you were single?" All of a sudden Dean peaks his head around the corner, "Oh that's sweet but I...." Dean comes to the door, "Problem here junior?!" I looked at Dean, "No honey everything's fine." The pizza guy just turned around and hurried back to his truck. "That's what I thought!!!!" Dean shuts the door, "Really Dean?" "What the douche was hitting on you." "And?" "And? That's it, that's all you have to say?" "I get hit on a lot at the store but it goes in one ear and out the other." "Oh that's nice!" "Do you want to talk about what's really going on?" "What are you talking about?" He goes the kitchen to grab a drink, "Nevermind." We sat in front of the tv eating pizza and not really talking. I threw our stuff away and took the dog out before bed. "Are you coming?" "Yeah in a while." I went to bed. He comes in not too long after I did, I was coming out of the bathroom when he came in, "Everything locked up?" "Yeah." He went in the bathroom and I got into bed, he comes out and rolls to his side, "Dean?" "Yeah." "Can you roll over and look at me?" He rolls over, "I don't want it to be like this between us." He exhales, "Me either, I'm just still in shock about the whole Sam being alive and for a year!" I put my hand on his chest, "I love you so much for trying this with me. I know you are a hunter at heart and that is what you really want to do." "Nic we've been over this, I want you and this life." "I know but babe you want your brother in your life too which means hunting." "Not if that means I can't have you." "I'm not saying that, all I'm saying is start hunting again, I know you miss it, I know you miss saving people." "What does that mean for us?" "I'm not ready to go back, I will stay here with our dog and you can come whenever you can." "No." "Why not?" "I can't go without seeing you I won't do it!" "Something has been up with you ever since Sam came back and I don't want your heart here and your head some place else I want all of you. So you go and figure out how that can happen and I will be here waiting." "I don't want to leave you." "I know but the person you are right now isn't fair to me or to us. So go and work it out ok." I could tell he was hesitant but he needed to figure it out. He kissed me and turned off the light.

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