48. Driving...

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Zodiac Signs driving

♈Aries: Cut me off one more time I dare you...

♉Taurus: StOp YeLLiNg @ PeOPle ThEy CaN NoT HeaR YoU

♊Gemini: They are not affected 


♌Leo: Is it that hard to go in a straight line?!

♍Virgo: Please calm down, it is a car not an airplane

♎Libra: Don't wave at me like you are sorry

♏Scorpio: OH MY GOD WATCH OUT! you're seriously scaring me

♐Sagittarius: Get off the steering wheel like how can you even breath?!

♑Capricorn: Please speed up oh my godddd

♒Aquarius: Get off your phone before I rip it out of your hand and yeet it

♓Pisces: Not everyone is trying to kill you like chill. PLEASE 

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