5- abandoned hospitals never end well

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T/w: swearing obviously gore death yada yada I won't be putting anymore wanting because this obviously is a book about that stuff


Also I'm starting to feel a little more comfortable swearing in my stories so there will be more if that bothers anyone then uh don't read it? Or ignore it? Idek

(Longer chapter than usual)

I apologize in advance their will be a lot of POV changes so I'm sorry if it gets confusing

Dream POV

After finding tubbo and tommy the group and I desperately looked for a hospital or somewhere we could get proper medical equipment.

You'd think it would be smart to have more hospitals around incase your friend is attacked by zombies it would probably be a good idea. Fortunately I knew there was a hospital not far away I just didn't know exactly where.

I hated being in this state where my friend clearly needs my help and theirs nothing I can do but pray we find a hospital and soon.

~time skip idk like half an hour~

Eventually there it was.

We had been lucky enough to find one just as the sky began to dim.

It was no where close to night but the cloudy sky could lead to rain and possible thunderstorms.

Just as we opened the glass door sure enough droplets of water began to fall creating small puddles in the parking lot.

We walked in going to the closest room we could find.

I had been to this hospital once when I was younger but the building's interior was vague.
We put tommy on one of the beds while George and I ran around trying to find everything.

We quickly wrapped his wounds after disinfecting it with rubbing alcohol and stitching up the bigger cuts, everyone was a little squeamish so I just sucked it up and did it myself.

15 minutes later we finished and tommy began to stir in his sleep.
I let out a sigh of relief and tubbo seemed to as well knowing he was actually gonna be ok.

Because night was already approaching we decided to stay in the hospital at least until tommy wakes up.

Marley POV (a little while before)

My back was aching.

I knew I had to find a hospital quickly but we had already been walking around for at least an hour. More like I'm walking and dragging y/n along with me.

I made a make shift stretcher using a big piece of cardboard a coat and some string to pull it.

It definitely was not practical but it worked better the dragging them so I made do.

Y/n was completely knocked out probably from hitting their head and loss of blood.

I glanced at the wrapped bandage to see blood dripping out of the side while the entire front was socked in red.

I had already changed the bandage a few times already but we didn't have enough to change it again.

Finally in the distance I saw a hospital.

I used what strength I had left and arrived at the backdoor of the building.

I sighed in relief hope finally began to surface when I made it inside the building.

My limbs felt sore and weak but I didn't want to rest until I made sure y/n was ok.

I found a wheel chair against the wall and took a deep breath before lifting y/n off of the stretcher and putting their arm over my shoulder.

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