There reaction to you with albinism

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If you don't know albinism is a very rare medical condition that removes all pigment from your body. It's more common in animals.


He actually finds it really cool and how scary it can be. He uses you to get back at peoples pranks on him.


He finally has someone like him. You two actually had a lot in common and became very good friends as a result of it. You both only really stuck together in fear of the others judging at first.


She finds it very adorable and you soon begin to be good friends. She loves doing makeup on you cause it just pops.


He finds it so cool and actually thought you and Andrew were siblings as a result. You managed to convince him but you soon began to be good friends.

Dream Witch

She actually didn't mind she thought it was honestly adorable and reminded her of a bunny. Her follower was caught off guard but she also didn't mind after a bit.


Her being a fashionista she decided to throw an adorable outfit together. It really made your eyes pop and she kinda turned into your mother figure.


He pretended to not like you after you both met but found you very pretty. You soon began to be good friends.

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