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Omg guys just 7 more days and then we finally gonna get more Falice stuff I'm so excited. To sweeten the wait a little I wanna write a oneshot everyday enjoy! ❤️

It was a late Friday evening when FP came back from work. He opened the door and took of his jacket and shoes then he went straight to the couch.

He expected Alice there watching a movie or reading a book but the couch was empty.

But probably she was already sleeping because its already late?

So he went upstairs ,when he opened the door he expected a peacefully sleeping Alice. But to his astonishment she was still up.

She stood in the front of the mirror with a baby blue dress

"Hay Babe" she said when she noticed FP who closed the door and walked closer to her.

"How was work"?

She asked him while their lips connected in a passionate greeting kiss.

"Exhausted so I'm glad to be home, today we had took care of Archie and his Boxclub again"

He sighed with a annoyed voice, he liked Archie but the but the constant trouble of his boxclub was too much for him.

"What happend this time?" Alice aksed with a tired voice

"Doger and his crew had a big fight, and then they threatened the children with a baseball bat so Archie called the cops"

"Oh that's why you have the bruise in your face"

Alice said while her fingers stroke over the little blue bruise he had under his eye

"Yes it is ,when we arrived a big brawl started between them and the Cops"

"One of Dogers crew just hit me right there" he said while his arm found the way to Alice waist

"And you wasn't able to do anything?" She asked him with a playful but also soft voice

"Oh yes I was after that I arrested him" he said with a proud voice

"That's the fringe benefit to be a sheriff honey"He said while her hands found the way to his neck and their lips met again in a passionate kiss.

Then suddenly Alice started to kiss him hard.

"Wait let me change first" he sat with a big smirk on his face

We went to his wardrobe and took out his Pyjama while he took of his uniform he reminded hiself about something.

He stopped to undress hisself and walked to Alice who was about to take the baby blue away.

When he arrived Alice he took the dress from her hands and threw it onto the bed and took her hands.

"FP what are you doing?" she asked him with a confused voice

"Alice Smith will you be my date?" he said while he took her hands in his and brought his body closer to hers

"FP Jones I feel so honored of course I will" she said with the biggest smile on her face he had ever seen before.

"But where we gonna go" she asked with a exciting voice?

"Your favorite event downtown without kids just you and me" he said with a wide grin onto his face.

"FP you can't imagine how happy I am now" she said while their lips met again.

"I know Alice it was always your favorite in the 90s "

"And it's still" she said while she
leaned her head onto his shoulder.

"I know" he said a few seconds after he took his phone out of his pocket and turned some 90s music on.

Then he took her hand and they started to dance.

They danced fo a few minuets till FP looked onto his watch

"Shit Alice its alredy 1:05 am the kids going to be up soon again"

"Wait omg it's already 1:05am?" Alice said with a confusing voice.

"I think we sould go to bed now"

"Yes we really should" He agreed


They were lying in bed wrapped in each other's arms. FPs arms were around Alice waist to hold her close and to never let her go.

And her head was rested on his chest to be close to him and to smell the sence of him, his heartbeat was calming her so much.

It was silent till FP spoke up and said "please wear the blue dress tomorrow because it's a kind of sexy"

"You think so?"

"Yes of course I do think so you actually look always sexy no matter what you are wearing"

"At this point I can just agree with you babe your Uniform is driving me crazy!"

"To glad we have the whole house for us tomorrow "

He said with a playful voice

"oh yes I'm already excited" she said

"but now let's get some sleep the kids going to be up in a few hours even when it's weekend and you know I need my sleep"

"Oh yes the the entire Jones family sleeps like a Groundhog" she said with a little giggle

"So let's get some rest ,good night Jones"

Night Al he said while he took his armed and wrapped them even stronger abound Alice.


That was the 1 part the 2 part is coming soon 😋🙃

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