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Hay guys I'm back it took a little bit longer than I expected it. But in the meantime I collected a lot of ideas so be excited:) And I just wanted to say thank you so much for the amazing feedback 🙏❤️!

“FP wake up” Alice said while she pressed some kisses to Fps cheek.

“Really?! Already” FP said with a sleeping voice while he took his arms and wrapped them around Alice, trying to pull her closer and not letting her go somewhere.

“Come on FP it's already 8 I have to go and make breakfast ” she said while she tried to escape his grip.

“But please Alice just 2 more minutes” he said with his morning voice and his cute puppy eyes who are always showing when he want something what he don't get that easy.

“OK persuaded FP but 2 minutes and not longer” she said while   she laid her head down his chest to relax till the 2 minutes were over.

“Yes Madam” he said while he look his hand and stroke Alice blonde curles who were lying on his chest now.


When the time was over they went into the bathroom brushed their teeth, took a shower, then they dressed.

When they were done they went downstairs and Alice started to make the breakfast while FP set the table.

Short before everything was done all of the kids came downstairs and took a seat at the table and had breakfast together.

When they finished breakfast Jellybean helped Alice to clean the table while FP read the newspaper.

When Jellybean handed Alice the plate her eyes catched the watch.

“Dad, Alice just as a quick reminder today in the evening I'm staying at my friend's house she invited me for a sleepover”.
“And I'm staying at her house till tomorrow approx 3pm so someone of you have to Pic me up”

“Sure honey we going to drive you, Alice and I anyway going to Downtown today so we can drive you and I also going to Pic you up tomorrow it's no problem”

“Thank you” she said with a big smile on her face. It is hard for her to find friends in Riverdale but now she finally found a friend she can hang out with.

"I already going to pack my stuff” she said before she run up the stairs and disappeared.

“I'm happy for her she finally found a friend” FP said to Alice while he came closer and gave her a sweet kiss.

“Yes me too ”  she said and their lips connected again both of them smiled into the kiss.

But suddenly FP pulled away “as much as I would love to continue this Al , I have to take care of my paper work it's a lot again, so I have to finish it now that we can go out tonight”

“is it so much again?” asked Alice with a annoyed voice while she gave him a eye role

“Yes and it feels like it gets more every day”

“But enjoy tonight because tonight I'm all yours” he said while he took his hands and sneaked them abound her waist.

“Yes i will enjoy it, the last night we had for ourselves was ages  ago” she said with a sad voice while her hands found the way to his neck.

Then their lips connected again , when they pulled away Alice took her hand and put it onto FPs cheek and said “I hope it won't take that long your work”

“No it won't, I guess it just takes two or three hours so I'm already done tonight, so don't worry babe nothing can destroy our Date”. He said with a smile on his lips while he gave her a quick goodbye kiss.

After that FP grabbed his paperwork and leaved the living room and went into his working room.

When FP was gone Alice started to clean the house like she always did on the weekends.

It was already evening now, Alice stood in the front of her mirror while she dressed herself for tonight, of course she took the baby blue dress that brought yesterday. Then she took her hairbrush and brushed her hair when she was done she looked into the mirror but something was still missing she thought... So she took a read lipstick because she exactly knew this going to drive FP crazy. “Perfect” she thought, she just took some pumping shocks of her favorite pafume and then she was finally done and leaved their bedroom.

Alice wanted to go downstairs but she stopped when she heard a cute laugh and the words “dad stop it” it came from Jellybeans room so she decided to go there.

When she arrived she saw FP and Jellybean sitting on her bed with something Jellybean hold in her hands. So she came closer and when she was close enough  she saw it was a Photo album with some cute pictures of jellybean when she was little,

“Hay guys about what you are laughing about?” Alice said while she took a seat on Jellybeans bed next to FP.

“I just found this album when I was about to pack my stuff”

“I never saw those pictures before” Alice said while she took her thumb and stroke it about the picture.

“You were a really cute child jellybean, I mean you are still but this picture is adorable”

“Yes was but she still is, but she always going to be my little girl” FP said while he and Alice started to stare at Jellybean

“Guys it's creepy please stop it” Jellybean said while she stood up and went to her desk where her phone was placed.

“OMG Dad we are late I'm actually already supposed to be at my friend” she said with disbelief in her voice, her family especially her dad are never punctual.

“Oh shit sorry honey” FP said while he and Alice stood up and walked out of her room and went downstairs.

When they arrived they took their shows and jackets and leaved the house

This story going to have 1 more part or maby 2 I'm not sure yet. And I'm also trying to update my books more often 🤠

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12, 2021 ⏰

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