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eri showed up to school late, having slept in from a party the night before. school was boring and took forever. after school, eri walked over to the student lounge, mateo was already there to pick her up. eri began to draw on her arm, mateo taking the pen and starting to finish the drawing. "mateo you can draw?" eri asked, raising an eyebrow.

mateo flipped her off with his free hand, continuing the drawing. "how was your day?" mateo asked quietly, continuing to draw. he was as precise as possible with every stroke of his pen. just then, eris boyfriend isaac walked up.

"hey guys- woah mateo that's a nice drawing." he said, turning to eri. he then kissed her forehead, "hello my love." he said softly, taking her freehand in his, and resting his head on her shoulder. mateo paused, looking up at isaac with his bright hazel eyes, a dead stare, almost a stare saying he dared him to keep going. mateo then continued his art, tapping his foot on the floor.

eri rolled her eyes, before looking over at isaac, who was now only sitting beside her. "sooo, we're going to visit the corner store, wanna come with?" eri asked. mateo shaking his head. eri ignored him, isaac saying yes that he wants to go. mateo was a little mad but he didn't show it.

okay done-" he said, putting the pen in eri's backpack, "it looks nice on you-" he said to his sister. he usually doesn't compliment but he was very nice to his sister. "come on let's go." he said, walking out of the school. "hack the cams." he whispered to eri, before getting into his camaro, "sorry eri isaac gets shot gun, you're short you'll fit in the back." he said, the corners of his mouth turning up into a soft smile. eri was all types of excited. she hacked the school cameras so that they appeared normally throughout the school, as if they never left, like usual. she then frowned at what mateo said, hopping into the backseat.

once they got to the house, they walked inside. eri pet both her dogs, giving them a bunch of affection. "hi guys!" she said, the giant huskies almost as big as her. "isaac, these are my dogs- the malamute is soul and the agouti is saber," she explained, before walking to the garage, and into the subaru.

mateo paused for a minute, putting a pistol in the kitchen drawer, that was in his waist band. he then went over to isaac. "come here, this is probably your first time so let me break it down for you. put some contacts in, ones that don't match your eye color, we got like a bunch of extras. i have deep black ones in. you choose." mateo explained. "then you ask for a ski-mask. and we go into my suby, in the suby, there is a few weapons, we go into the store, i will do all the talking. you just stand there and look scary until i say 'heist' then you can start taking anything you want. but when i yell 'pigs' we run to the van. you will then need to use seatbelt because of all of the drifting and crazy driving i do. when we get to a parking structure, we switch into a new car, do not leave anything in this car it will be seized by police when they find it." mateo explained. "most importantly do not take your ski mask off."

isaac looked at mateo, at first isaac didn't know if mateo was serious. "what do you do with the stuff you take?" he asked genuinely.

"you put it in a bag and take it with you?? i don't know it's up to you." he said, before walking over to the car. he started it, shifting into reverse as soon as isaac got into the car. he then pulled out of the driveway, shifting to first gear. "you guys ready?" he asked, shifting to second.

"yessir." eri said, loading up a pistol, she put the safety on, handing it to isaac. "pistols instill fear, but i have an uzi." she said, giggling as she loaded it up. mateo got eris attention before telling eri to load his m14. he shifted to third, hearing the bullets in the background made him happy.

isaac looked at the pistol before scoffing "you do know i was in the army for like- two years right?" he said, looking at the little pistol.

"you never told me that. upgrade time" she said softly, her new york accent soft with her. she handed isaac another uzi, hiding the pistol. once mateo parked, she waited for his command.

mateo fixed his ski mask, eri slipping hers on. "alright, hack the cameras." he told eri, eri quickly doing so. "now break." he said, hopping out of the car. he grabbed his gun from eri before walking in. only like 2 people were in there, 3 counting the cashier. "this is a robbery. he then jerked his head toward the two people, eri going to watch them so they didn't call anyone. mateo shot the cashier, starting to collect the money from the register. "heist!" he called loudly, walking up to the two customers.

eri grabbed a bunch of stuff putting them into her bag. "oooo- ultra black monster-" she said, grabbing all of them, mateo looking over at her. "what- it's rare!" she defended, the whole time she was faking an american accent. grabbing some more things. "pigs pigs pigs!" she said, peeking outside.

"pigs." he said throwing his hands in the air. he took the customer's phones, smashing each of them. he then shot the cameras, running to the car. once they got in he quickly shifted to 1st gear, drifting around a corner and down an alleyway. "buckle up-" he said afterward. once eri and isaac did so he threw the car into 3rd gear, hitting his brake as he drifted around a corner. he thought he was finally fine for a second but then he saw the cops again.

mateo upped his car to fourth gear hopping on the freeway. he then continued to up his gears until he saw an off-ramp. shifting the car to neutral, he drove down it, making a u- turn to go back the other way. finding a street he drifted onto it, and kept going in a zig-zag motion. he finally lost them, pulling into the parking structure. "white audi. go." he said, giving eri the keys. eri walked over to the driver's seat starting it up. she pulled her ski mask off, throwing her contact somewhere. once everyone got in, she calmly drove out of the structure, and back to the house. she parked in the garage beside the camaro. "good job guys." mateo said, pulling his sister into a hug. he grabbed their bags of things out of the car, bringing them inside the house. he then started to count the money.

"just $300." mateo said, giving eri a hundred, then hesitating, but giving isaac a hundred as well. "next time, do what you did and stay in the background." mateo said, a soft smile tainting his usually expressionless face. he then turned to his sister. "as for you eri, good as always." he said, hugging his sister tightly.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2021 ⏰

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