Fixing a broke, flightless Bird

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I'm not usually one to complain. But it's hard not to when someone drops a 50 pound weight on your wing.
Just your average secret Avian going about their day when SOMEONE had to loose a 50 pound cargo crate from an overhead plane. I didnt see it until I was being pinned down by it. Turns out, it broke my wing. And since I'm incognito, I can't get it healed professionally.
Of course, their are special avian docters, but the closest one is very pricey and lives half a state away. It's not easy to travel when your a flightless, broke Avian like me...but if I want to ever fly again, I haven't got much of a choice, so I splint my wing the best I can and hit the road.
It's going to be a long road, but I'll make it eventually. Or, I'll die trying.
(Any suggestions for a name for this story?)

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