
8 0 0

crash! crash! CRASH!

Rose woke up to the sound of pans clashing together. The air smelled of bacon and candles.

She took a quick glance at her desk and realized she had left her candle on all night.

She pulled her pillow over her face in attempted to drown out the sunlight flooding in from her window.

"ROSE!" her mother called her from the kitchen down below. 


She darted up from her bed and pulled on some jean shorts, a belt and a sweater from her closet.

She rushed down the stairs so she could eat and wouldn't be late for school.

She finished her food, ran to garage and grabbed her bike to ride to school with her friends.

She loved the feeling of the warm sun on her face in the mornings.

Rose walked through the halls of her 8th grade hallway, hearing chattering from beside her. 

Her and her friends decided to study before class in the small library at the school.

She took out her notebooks but before it could hit the table a single drop of water fell onto the page that she was trying to study with.

She looked at the ceiling and immediately noticed the ceiling start to curve.

Right as her brain could process what was happening, several gallons of water rushed down on her and her stuff.

She looked as if she had seen a ghost.

She was flustered,


and confused.


Why always me.

Does it always have to be me?

She said, tears filling up in her Light brown eyes, falling down her bright red face.

The students around her stared at her, laughing.

She ran out of  the library, tears now rushing down her cheeks.

Her friends ran after her.

She hopped on her bike and went to the only place she felt safe.

A little corner store down the street from her small apartment located in the city of Brooklyn.

She ran inside and sat down on the counter.

The old couple who ran the place asking her "What happened"

She told the couple what had happened and they gave her a towel and a popsicle from the store freezer.

They joked and put on music and danced as if they had bugs in there clothes to cheer her up.

Who did this? She thought.

She rode home on her bike after a few hours.


A few weeks had past and Rose came home and saw a wedding invitation placed down on the counter.

A wedding.


I'm Gonna right a few more chapter about all the characters and from their point of view from the week that this story is set in!

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