First Day of School!

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I walked slowly up the steps to my new school.

"Los Angeles High School!" I read aloud.

As I walked up to the doors they burst open as a hoard of people streamed inside.

I toppled backwards and landed with a crunch in the bushes by the entrance.

I sat up dizzily, as a female form came into focus.

I felt a warm hand grab my wrist and start to hoist me out of the bushes.

"Sorry about that! It happens everyday, but you'll get used to it!", A voice spoke.

My eyes finally focused in on the girl in front of me.

My jaw almost dropped down to my new slippons as I stared at her.

She was BEAUTIFUL! She had flowing, wavy, brunette hair and beautifully tanned skin to match her glowing smile.

Her cheekbones were in the perfect place along with her chocolaty brown eyes!

I realized I had been staring for almost ten seconds straight and I blushed as I gathered myself.

"Hi! I'm Selena!", She beamed as she stuck out her hand.

"I'm Danielle! But people call me Dani!" I responded, taking her hand and giving it a light shake.

"Are you new here?" She asked, a beam still plastered to her face.

"Yeah, actually I just moved here from Dallas, Texas!" I said.

She beamed even harder at me. I didn't even think it was possible!

"So am I!" She squealed. "I moved here three years ago!"

I beamed at her and asked her where she went to school.

She said she went to the same exact elementary school as me!

"Oh my god! Is your name Selena Gomez?!" I asked getting excited.

"Yes!" She beamed. "And aren't you Danielle Leveto?!"

"Yeah! Oh my god, didn't our third grade classrooms used to be right across the hall from each other?" I asked remembering always seeing her on the playground all alone.

"Yeah! You were the girl who would always hang from the monkey bars and bang on your chest while pretending to be a monkey!" She said giggling.

"And if anyone except your friend Marissa approached you, you would howl at them while chasing them around the playground!" She said as she almost fell over laughing.

So was I as I remembered how childish I used to be.

The bell rang and the doors almost closed on us as we hurried inside.

As we walked inside we realized that our lockers were right next to eachother.

Plus we had four different classes together! Including first, third/fourth, sixth, and seventh.

That meant we had English 1, Algebra 2(cause we took Algebra 1 in 8th grade), Spanish 2(same as math), and Gym together!

We put our stuff away and got our binders and gym clothes since we both have gym today.

We got to our first class just in time! As we both took seats next to eachother, the teacher walked into the room and she shut the door.

She turned and faced the class with a smile as she began to speak.

"Hello class! My name is Mrs. Knowles and I will be your ninth grade English teacher!

First things first is that today we will not start English, but we will on Wednesday!

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