Chapter 22

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I do not own the Teen Wolf characters, but I do own my character Raviva and other charcters that will occure and don't belong to Teen Wolf.

Loads had happened lately first my cousin disappearing for two days fighting with the Nogitsune inside of him then him turning himself in into Eichen House and breaking out again. I was tired. I was so tired of having to go through all of this. I was tired of losing him to a dark spirit.

Tonight I saw him again for the first time and it wasn't a happy reunion. He had changed completely into the Nogitsune by now and I couldn't see anything of the lanky awkward brotherly guy that I've come to love so much.

After we had to defend him againt the Oni my uncle and me dragged ourselves home since we were in need of sleep. We both hadn't really slept well since all this shit with Stiles started and we were tired. We needed to get some energy to keep going.

Instead of going to bed straightly I chose to take a shower first. As I stepped under the hot beam of water I realized how much I had needed this. My muscles instantly softened a bit losening the tention of the last few weeks. It was so unwinding to feel the hot water run over my body and helping me breathe again. Clearing my mind for at least a little while.

When I stepped out of the shower I shortly dried my hair off in a towel and wrapped a bigger one around my frame. I moved over to the mirror and sinks below it where I let my hand wander over the glass so I could see my reflection instead of the steam that had put a film over the reflecting tool.

I was looking horrible. My eyes were pretty bloodshot and dark purple shadows were hanging under my eyes telling a tale of my sleepless nights. I really needed to stop worrying, get a good nights rest and start worrying again tomorrow.

But if that had been so easy I would have done it long ago. A night full of sleep was something I hadn't had since I was energy drained. Lately the nightmares would wake me at least five times in the few hours of sleep. It wasn't even Leo anymore, it was my friends, Stiles or Derek being in danger. Or Allison dying.. I've had that dream a few times but unlike most of the others this dream didn't feel like it was mine. I had this feeling more often lately that some dreams I was having at night didn't originate from my mind but someone else's fantasy.

A shiver run down my spine when I entered the hallway. The temperature in the bathroom had been much warmer due to the steamy shower. So I padded along the hallway with large steps trying to touch the cold tile floor few times as I could.

I quickly slipped into my room which was slightly warmer than the hallway and went straight for my closet to find some pyjamas and get under my cozy covers quickly. I picked a large shirt and a pieces panty.

"You really wanna do that?" I heard a very familiar voice just as I was about to drop my towel and change into the clothes I had chosen. I nearly screeched as I jumped a little.

"Fuck, are you damn werewolf trying to kill me?" I snarled at him as I turned around just to see him sit on my desk chair. "Actually, I'm here to protect you from psychotic Nogitsune-Stiles." He said like stating a general fact.

"Thank's for reminding me of that." I said sarcastically but it didn't sound that sarcastic at all. It sounded more like an ocean of sadness. As soon as I noticed how close to tears I actually was I turned back around to my closet. I didn't want to let him see my weakness.

I didn't need to turn around or use my over humanly senses to notice his body suddenly standing behind me. All I needed was feeling his presence and the warmth that radiated off of him.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you." He whispered and I could feel his breath fan lightly over my bare shoulder blade and neck. "Well you did so can you just leave, please?" I had no energy left to fight him to lie to him and hide how I felt just for the mask of being strong. Not tonight.

"I won't leave. It's dangerous with him out there playing tricks in which people are too often left dead." With that he stepped away from me and when I looked again he stood on the other side of the room and had turned to look the other way. "You can change, I won't look."

Soon I was lying in my bed, Derek in my desk chair but even though I was so tired I just couldn't fall asleep.

"You know we have a free bed, you can sleep in Stiles' room." I stated not turning around to face him. "No, I'm good here. I don't wanna be in another room if he choses to attack you it will take much more time to get here if I'm in his room."

I sighed in defeat and turned around watching him leaning in the much too small uncomfortable desk chair. "Then at least lie down in the bed beside me. You won't get a good rest in that stool and we all need to rest and prepare."

"Nah, it's okay. I'm good." I heard him say as he opened his eyes and looked over at me. "Derek, just move your ass over here or I swear I'm gonna kill you." I nearly growled. I was not in the mood for arguing right now.

This time he didn't argue but instead I heard him stand up from the chair and slip in next to me, while I turned around again. I felt him move closer and soon his arm was placed over my waist. "No touching." I mumbled tiredly already drifting off. The last thing I felt was him moving his arm off my body.

Again I was switching inbetween dreams like switching channels on a tv. There were bad dreams good dreams and oh even better dreams like this one right now. It was about me and Derek again. This time we were in my room just as we were tonight.

I was standing by my closet in just my towel and he was close behind me. I could feel his breath fanning over my bare neck and shoulder blade making my skin tingle and my body feel all hot.

"You're so beautiful." He whispered as his lips ghosted over the curve of my neck, down to my collarbone and back up again making me weak in the knees. "You are the most beautiful creature I've ever seen."

I giggled at his words a bit before I lifted my hands to his neck and pulled his mouth to meet with mine. I instantly gave in to his guidance, letting him dominate me. His tounge demanding the pace of the kiss.

Our kisses were getting hungrier and at some point the knot on my towel had losened up and the fabric had hit the floor. His hands were now around my waist roaming my body leaving no inch of it untouched.

I turned around shortly breaking the kiss just to let my lips wander over his neck and collarbones then up to his lips again which I captured in yet another passionate kiss. Our lips only shortly seperated as I pulled his shirt over his head but instantly rejoined as soon as the fabric had hit the floor.

I felt as he lifted me up and carried me over to my bed laying me down gently on the soft mattress while he left his pants somewhere on the way. Soon his body was hovering over mine moving gently with eachother as we kissed hungrily again.

I awoke from the dream with a gasp. This wasn't my dream was it? Why did I suddenly have it when I normally only was hunted by the same nightmares?

"Raviva." A small groan came from Derek beside me. I looked at him but his eyes were closed and I could see the movement behind them. He was still sleeping. Still dreaming...

An idea was forming in my head and before my mind really got what it was my body was already moving. I slipped out from Dereks grasp which he must have gotten on me while we were both asleep and moved over to my desk and laptop.

I instantly opened the internet and typed in the powers that came to my mind in a homepage about supernatural creatures. "Inhuman strenght/speed, fast healing, can't touch iron, can drain/give energy and walk into dreams."

There was only one creature popping up.

A Succubi.

So how did you like this chapter??
How did finally finding out what Raviva was feel? Did you expect that??
And for all my mature readers some Derek & Raviva action ;)

For everyone who googles Succubi now just know that I won't take the classic Demon form it will be adapted a little but Raviva does have many goods that a common Succubi has ;)
Leave me comments below on how you like my story to brighten my day :P
xxx sil

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