The Lost Three

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This account is (as you know) co-owned and this is our story! We are super excited to share with you our ideas!! Here is all about the main characters.

Kindle Spark- She is a spunky outgoing fire sprite, who is always a leader, and has a slight crush on Quinn (who you'll learn about later)

Description- She has fiery red hair that looks like a flame, always tied up in a messy bun, she has a yellow and orange dress with fireworks of all different colors. She has orange Pointe shoes that lace up her legs. She always leaves a trail of sparkso wherever she flies. Her wings are a pale blue caked in glitter glaze. She was adopted by a music sprite.

Violet Stem- She is a talkative, kooky, earth Sprite.

She can't control her emotions whenever a plant dies. Her shy side (and distracted side) comes out around people she doesnt know. She was adopted by a Tinkerer Sage.

Description- She has long flowy black hair that shimmers with green dust. Her dress is a light blueish green with gold specks. Her wings are covered in flowers.

Btw, whenever this happens:


It means switching to Kindle's point of view.

And this:


Means to Violet's view!

We might have random and funny sentences thrown in there, just ignore them. They don't apply to anything; just your sense of humor.

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