Chapter 3 - Revelations

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Authors message-Please look at the end of the story for anyone who wants an update on the next upcoming chapter!


Once Riku made his way into the meeting room and sat down,IDOLISH7 and TRIGGER were still discussing on how to approach Riku,about him knowing them before the accident, and why on earth he is acting like he hasn't met them before, until that was when  Iori just realised something.

Iori's POV:

"Hey Sougo, Tamaki! come over here for a sec!" I shouted to them.

They both left the meeting room and wen outside leaving Riku all by himself.

"What is it Iori?" Tamaki asked.

"How do you know Nanase Riku?'' I asked suspiciously.

"What do you mean?He's famous in London," Tamaki said nervously glancing at Sogo.

"Yeah...But from the looks of it you and Sogo knew him very well," Ryuu said.

"Ever since the accident last year you guys have been acting strangely,"  Yamato stated.

"Strange?!Strange how?"Sogo replied with an emotionless eyes creeping everyone out except for Tenn.

"You guys know him...Don't you?"Tenn said stepping closer to us .

But we both remained silent,avoiding his intense gaze.

"And your going to tell us how" Tenn said releasing a dark gloomy aura which filled the corridor with dark vibes.

Sogo's POV:

What are we going to do?! Tamaki looks like he is about to pass out and I am about to become terrified..(SIGH).. Sorry Riku I'm gonna have to reveal to them some info.

"Okay I will tell you what  I know but...The rest is up to Riku"I said which made Tenn finally stopped releasing his pitch black aura.

"Sogo!What are you doing?" Tamaki shouted.

"We promised him that we wouldn't tell them anything" Tamaki whispered.

"We have to because at some point they will remember"I replied.

"Let me begin with telling you that me and Tamaki remember everything from before the accident" I said,causing everyone to become shocked and-


"You Bastard!How could you do this?!" Gaku said.

The moment I had fell down, onto the cold floor I had realised that he had punched me and blood was trickling from my lips.

"What the hell Gaku?!" Tamaki said grabbing Gaku's collar.

"He deserves it after keeping us in the dark like that, and deserves another one!" He replied escaping Tamaki's grip and charging  up to me ready to punch me causing me to sheild my head getting ready to take the blow...

"STOP!Don't hurt him!" I heard someone say.


Why hasn't he hit me yet? 

When I had finally opened my eyes I saw Riku standing right in front of me,shielding me from Gaku's punch.

"No way...Riku are you okay?" I asked turning him to face me and when I saw his face he was bleeding from his lip but also crying.

"Please..*sniff*..Stop this..." Riku said with his bangs covering his eyes but with tears streaming down his face.

"The only reason they never told you it was because I told them not to," replied Riku standing up from his place.

"I did it for my own selfish reasons,'' Riku said, regret being shown on his face, ''I never thought about how you guys would feel and- 

"Why on earth would you do that"Iori said stepping forward, not wanting the red head to keep them in the dark any longer. But Riku himself seemed to be in trance from the way he was mumbling

''I tried draw the danger from you guys but...'' Riku then looked down and saw that blood was drippping from his nose, but he didn't care, ''...They just *cough*...Kept on coming after you guys.''

Yamato felt his eyes widen when he felt a memory flash through his mind suddenly.

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"Wait, do you mean that..."Yamato replied.

"...Yes"Riku said, knowing that Yamato would catch on straight away.

"You guys got into that accident trying to protect me from..from.."Riku replied but the started looking pale and swaying a bit.

"What wrongs?RIKU?!"Tamaki shouted, putting his hand on Riku's shoulder, but when he did this Riku's body started to fall and right before Tamaki to reach for him, Tenn caught Riku in his arms.

End of POV

Tenn POV:

I put my hand over his head and to check his temperature and realised that he was burning up.

"He has a high temperature, we have to take him to the nearest hospital! I exclaimed.

"COME ON! Ryuu bring the car around immediately" I shouted carrying him outside with everyone behind me.

Why am I acting this way over somebody? Is it because they are our new business partner? Or is it because we need answers from him? No,that can't be it!There's something I'm missing in this.

As we were on our way to the hospital Nanase Riku had opened his eyes slightly and lifted himself to my ear and whispered something.

" I'm sorry that I couldn't tell everything right away..Tenn-nii" Nanase whispered into my ear before blacking out again.


Why does that nickname sound so familiar?

The only person to ever call me that was...No Way!? 

I looked down at the red headed idol as he held onto my shirt as he continued to pant against his chest

It can't be...Nanase Riku little brother!!!

Hello Guys! I edited this chapter as I've now grown into a proper writer a bit more than I had began last year July in 2021, so i hope you will wait for the awaited Chapter 9-GraceNicky9

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