Chapter 5 - Hello Again

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Grocery shopping is a once-a-week ritual for many. The body needs food. To get such a thing, you must venture to the store. For (Y/n), the end game of this trip is less a matter of getting items to survive but more of trying to survive the store itself; the rest of her life comes after. For many years now, (Y/n) has had terrible incidents in supermarkets or any shops of the like. She can't explain it, but no matter what she does, something bad always happens.

Today is no exception.

(Y/n) strolls down the towering aisle of chocolates and sweets, pondering absentmindedly about her children and whether it would be wise to get some to offer them.

'Maybe just a few wouldn't hurt,' she thinks, reaching for a packet of Maltesers and Snakes. But she hesitates and withdraws a moment later. 'On second thought, best not pump them with more sugar.' (Y/n) quickly turns from the shelves and scurries out to the next aisle, ironically containing the baby products. With a sigh, the teacher turns around to continue. 'I doubt I'd be needing anything from there either...'

Just as (Y/n)'s feet brush the walkway outside the aisle, a bag is slammed right into her arm, sending all her groceries flying across the floor. A few oranges escape under the shelves, never to be seen again. The person who has knocked past (Y/n) doesn't stop to help or even acknowledge her presence. Of course, this is what Miss Fortune has come to expect. She has little presence about her when away from her children. It is painful at times, but what can one do; there is no use yelling over a minor incident.

(Y/n) begins collecting up her shopping, careful to stay near the side of the walkway to not get in the way of others. But even with the precaution, a bag still finds its way to the side of her head. She falters momentarily, dazed by whatever hard object was whacked against her head—she can almost feel the organ rattle inside her skull.

"Are you alright?" A young voice asks. "I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to hit you! Please, let me help."

Regaining her balance, (Y/n) watches a young lady, high school age at most, kneel down and begin picking up her spilt groceries. The girl smiles in apology again and offers one of the missing oranges back to (Y/n). She smiles back in return.

"Thank you for that," she says, putting the last piece back into the shopping basket.

"Sorry again."

"Don't fret, it happens more times than you think."

"Emma?" A new voice comes from the next aisle, this time one vaguely familiar to (Y/n). The females turn to see a blonde male rounding the corner, a shopping basket by his side. His glasses glint in the light of the store, and a curious tweak lifts the corner of his lip at the sight of the teacher. A moment later recognition sets in on the two of them.

"Mr Asahina, lovely to see you again," (Y/n) greets.

"And the same to you, Miss Fortune," Ukyo replies.

"How have you been? How is Wataru?"

"Very well, thank you. Work has been fairly steady which is good. And Wataru is doing fine. He can't wait to be back at school tomorrow. Which reminds me; in a few weeks we are planning a trip away, so Wataru will not be attending class at that time. But it is still up in the air. We may push the trip back into the holidays."

"That is alright. Just let me know when you have specific dates."

"I'm sorry, I'm a bit confused," Emma pipes up. "How do you know each other?"

"Oh, right. This is Wataru's teacher, (Y/n) Fortune," Ukyo replies. "Although Masaomi usually takes care of Wataru's drop-offs and pick-ups, I occasionally step in, in his absences."

"It's nice to meet you." (Y/n) reaches out a hand to the brunette.

"You too." The girl takes the offered hand. "My name is Emma Hinata, Ukyo's step-sister."

"I've heard about you from Masaomi. You're a very sweet girl, I hope you go far in life."

"Thank you."

"Well, it's best we be off," Ukyo says. "It was nice catching up, Miss Fortune. I hope to see you again soon."

"Yes, you as well," (Y/n) replies. "It was nice meeting you too Emma. Take care."


For an accident-filled shopping trip, this one was enjoyable.

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