Chapter two

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As she opened her eyes that morning she couldn't help but smelling a sweet perfume in the air. It smelled like coffee and cookies. Her eyes started to focus, she really did want to look around and see what was happening and from where that smell was coming from, but it was so warm underneath the covers that she couldn't find the strength to get up. She decided to just turn around to cuddle against the men on her side, just to find out that no one was laying next to her. She brought herself into a sitting position, looking around confused, where was he? She heard the door opening and that's when she saw him.

"You're awake! I made you breakfast. I tried to bake some cookies but I don't know how good they might be... I also made some pancakes if the cookies are not edible" he chuckled, he had never tried to bake cookies and he didn't know what had come into his mind that morning.

"Thank you, I bet they are good" she smiled, even if they were bad she would have appreciated him baking for her.

"Merry Christmas" he smiled back, leaning in to steal a kiss from her lips.

"Merry Christmas" she echoed on his lips, cupping his face with her hand.

She actually discovered Cal was really good at making cookies and he was really surprised from his own baking abilities. They spent some minutes in bed eating cookies and hoping they wouldn't leave any crumbles on the sheets, otherwise they had to change them and they had just done so. They didn't have to wait for anyone, no one was coming for lunch, so they had all the time they wanted. Cal just had to video call his parents in the afternoon and she would have found a way to call Nick and Flynn. She really missed her son, she didn't really enjoy the fact that she couldn't spend the holidays with him but his safety was more important.

"What?" he asked, gently taking her hand and distracting her from her thoughts.

"I was just thinking about Flynn you know..." she explained, knowing he would understand what she meant.

Cal wasn't a parent, he had never tried to act like those people who always give you advices without living in your situation. He had always offered her support, a shoulder to cry on and some advices without pretending to know how she felt or telling her how to act.

"I'm really sorry, I can't imagine how you feel" he gently caressed her cheek, silently drying the single tear that was running down her face.

It became normal fo him, he had never told her not to cry, that everything was alright, because he knew it wasn't for her, not everything at least. If she had to cry, to let her emotions flow, he just let her. He had never judged her for that. He had always just been there for her, drying her tears without saying anything bad about it.

"I just hope to have some days off to visit him, I had thought about using those days to do it but there will be too many people traveling and if someone would check the passengers of every flight they could find me pretty easily, it would be too predictable that I would come back to Boston during Christmas" she explained.

She had thought about it more than once, but if someone was still out there they would have waited for her, coming back on Christmas was just a predictable move; on the other hand, though, she barely had one day off, she needed at least four days or a week maybe.

"You will, and if one day everything will be back to normal and you want to go back to Boston, we will find a place there" he said, holding her hand, making her understand that he would have been there with her.

She nodded, giving him a soft smile and a small kiss.

They spent some other time in bed, cuddling together and enjoying the late morning; they didn't really know what to eat, if they should start cooking or they would have just ordered in, or maybe got out to have some take away food. There was time to think about it, they had no where to go to, they just wanted to enjoy their first Christmas together.

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