The Trip

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Le Magical Time Skip brought to you by Alya's craziness:

Mari P.O.V

It was the day of the trip our class was supposed to meet at the airport. I woke up and texted Alya quickly.


Mari: Hey Als!

Ayla: Hey Gurl! Whats up?

Mari: I coming to pick you up today get ready also have a surprise waiting for you!


Mari: If I told you it wouldn't be a surprise anymore would it? Bye

Alya; Uuuh! You are evil anyway see you soon! Bye.

I then took a shower and changed into these:

I then took a shower and changed into these:

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And changed let my hair open and took my bags:

And changed let my hair open and took my bags:

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After that I went outside to see a lime waiting for me!!

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After that I went outside to see a lime waiting for me!!

After that I went outside to see a lime waiting for me!!

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"Welcome princess!" My driver said in Chinese

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"Welcome princess!" My driver said in Chinese. I replied with a good morning in Chinese. After that we drove to Alya's house and she was waiting with her eyes like saucers and mouth hanging wide open. The she shouted "YOU NEVER TOLD ME YOU HAD A LIMO!!" I said " Calm down or we will be late, you can explore afterwards." After around  25 min we reached the airport.

Adrien P.O.V.

We were all waiting for Marinette and Alya when a pink limo came and stopped near us. We were all surprised since all rich people like me and Chloe were already there.(BTW Chloe is nice in this story.) The door opened and it revealed Mari and Alya! Mari was looking hot! Did I mention that I may have a little crush on her. Everyone was watching them and hell broke loose they asked question like:

"Where did you get that limo?"

"Awesome duddettes"

"Mari-trash why did you steal my limo!"

Mari P.O.V. 

I heard Lie-la say "Mari-trash why did you steal my limo?" I answered" First of all Lie-la this my limo it has my name on the plate. Second I am not Mari-trash." Everyone looked at the plate and Lila said"You lying." Right then Ms.Bustier said"We have five people in first class". Lila interrupted and said "Of course it's moi, Adrikins, Nino, Chloe, and Sabrina." Ms.Bustier said"No lila, the people in first class are Adrien, Nino, Chloe, Alya, and Marinette." "What unacceptable!" Lila said.

The we all heard the announcer say FLIGHT CD1485 

We all went into our flight areas and looked inside.

Me, Alya, Adrien, Nino, and Chloe went into our seats and did our stuff.

Everyone's room:

Everyone's room:

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I called everyone and said"How about we play UMS III?" They all agreed, after a few hours of playing we decided to rest after me winning continuously of course! First we ate then slept. I was awoken by the sound of Alya screaming in my ears. She said"Wake up sleepyhead we are landing in 15 minutes!" "I am up", I replied. After that me and Alya both went to change into somethign formal since I was the princess and she was my lady in-waiting. After 10 minutes. 

I wore:

I wore:

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And Alya wore:

After the flight landed we came outside and everyone was staring at us

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After the flight landed we came outside and everyone was staring at us. I said" I was born here so I decided to wear something more traditional and Alya did it because I did it." They replied with okay's. After that we all went in a limo. And being Lie-la she said the princess sent the limo for her because she was her best friend but was proven wrong because there was my name on it. After that we reached our hotel. Waiting for the next day.

Hi guys, hope you like this chapter and feel free to comment on my mistakes. And don't forget to vote and follow me. 

Thank you, Bug out dreamers


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