Shared Room- C.B. pt1

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Cheryl POV

Today our school is having a trip to Colorado for the winter and honestly I would never miss the opportunity to be away from my mother and that house of horrors, I swear my will to burn it down just grows by the second...

We're currently on the bus. Only 15 min in and I can already feel my body begging me to jump out of the window, anything's better than being here with these people and their obnoxious voices. At least I'm sitting next to Josie, we've known each other for years and she was always there for me especially after Jason died and when I came out as a lesbian

"What are you thinking about" I hear Josie ask snapping me out of my thoughts "I'm thinking of ways to control myself and not kill anyone on this trip" Josie giggles and shakes her head "You know it won't be that bad, we're gonna have lots of fun, you shouldn't be so negative"

I look at Josie with a are you serious look and start to look around the bus seeing the people talking and laughing really loud while blasting stupid music on, then I turn my face to Josie again "You're right, not annoying at all" I say sarcastically only to hear her laugh

We keep talking for the majority of the ride until everyone calmed down and the only sound that could be heard was the bus. Finally these creatures died, I think to myself

I got bored was about to talk to Josie when I notice she's asleep. Great, now what? , I sigh annoyed. I turn my head the other way and start observing the people that were now mostly asleep. Hobo and his wife were leaning on each other asleep while Veronica and Archie did the same, I roll my eyes at the view, not only cause it's disgusting, but also because deep inside I desire that type of feeling. I never dated anyone let alone felt loved by anyone other than my dearest brother

Not wanting to look at the Sad Breakfast Club anymore I continue looking at everyone until I notice a girl I never saw at school. Or at least I don't remember. She's sitting a few rows in front of me so I only can see her back

Curiosity got the best of me and I just stare. I can tell she's one of the few people that's still awake, she has her headphones on and is slowly moving to the beat. Her hair was absolutely gorgeous with the most beautiful color, God even her skin looks perfect

How am I so fascinated by someone I can't even fully see?  

She's wearing a black hoodie and I notice she has a thumb ring. Okay, as a lesbian I know that's a good sign for me, at least that's what the internet taught me. It looks really hot not going to lie

After a while we finally arrive. Me and Josie walked together and look around, "It looks so cute!!" Josie says really excited "Yeah, doesn't look like the perfect scenario for a murdering scene"

"Oh come on Cheryl, you gotta admit it looks gorgeous", I look around and see that the hotel is made of wood and rather small, "Is it me or it looks as small as Hobo's sense of fashion" Josie chuckled "You're right, where are we all going to sleep?" before I could say anything else one of the teachers called us so we reunited

"Alright class, this right here is the hotel's reception and restaurant, you can come here in case of any problems but the ideal is to talk to any teacher first. A bit further down is where your rooms are..." we all look and see what looks like small houses "... there are some rooms for 4 people, 3 and finally 2, so make groups and let's see"

I look around and see Archie, Veronica, Betty and Jughead all together making me roll my eyes, Typical. Josie is with the pussycats and Kevin, Awesome, now I don't have anyone

"Is there anyone without a room?" the teacher asks, I immediatly raise my hand at the same time as another girl, "Great, you two can stay together in a room for two". I look at my new "roommate" and notice is the misterious girl from the bus which makes me smirk, before I had the chance to go up to her she puts her headphones back on, grabs her bag and walks to our room not even glacing at me

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