CHAPTER 8: I can see you..?!

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-Michael's POV-

I guess I accepted the fact I would be here for a long time, I tried to make myself comfortable.. As comfortable as you can be stuck in a cold closet under the stairs. I didn't try and bang on the door to annoy him as I normally would, I knew this was what I deserved, And I wasn't going to try and fight it. It was freezing cold in here, the only things surrounding me were the vacuum cleaner and a couple of old boxes my father had thrown in here. It was cramped, and damp. I just sat there silently crying for hours, I couldn't stand myself.

After a few hours, I started hearing a scratching sound from around me, I didn't really know what to think of it but I just brushed it off, assuming it was wind or some shit.. It only occurred to me after I heard it more that it was impossible for wind to make that sound. 

'Dad stop..' I said, assuming it was just him trying to mess with me, trying to make me scared as even more of a punishment, Doing what I did to Chris.. After a few moments I heard no reply, Which was confusing, since I was expecting him to 'reveal himself' to try and mock me or yell at me again.

-Chris' Ghost POV- 

Well the scratching didn't work, I could tell that he noticed the sound but he didn't remember it was me. All I wanted was Michael to be able to see me, Or hear me, Just something. I just sat in the opposite corner and began to cry again, dissapointed that I wouldn't be able to help him and make him feel better.


I heard Mike yell. It startled me as I was in some kind of dream, Zoned out sort of thing. It took me a few moments to realise he was staring straight at me, Like he could actually see me.


Wait. Could he see me? All the evidence showed he could, The staring straight at me, Calling my name, Looking like he's just seen a GHOST-

'Yes?' I said, calmly. He looked so shocked I actually found it quite funny for a second, All the times he scared me and now he's the one scared of ME. I walked up to him and hugged him as tightly as I could, He looked down at me and smiled, For a second I thought he was crying, again, Because I'm sure I heard him sniffle but when I looked up he was just wiping his eyes and smiling. 

'I... I MISSED YOU...'

He muttered, I knew I should hate him, After all he caused my death, He caused all this. But something in me told me not to, Like a brother instinct or something, Not that he had any. 

Just then I heard Dad's footsteps grow closer to the door, I wasn't going to like what was about to happen I know that for sure. 

'What the fuck are you yelling about?!' 

He shouted at Michael from behind the door, I wondered if my father could see me too, Surely if one person can, another must be able to too. 

'Nothing dad.' 

Mike quietly said, Trying to contain his pure happiness and shock, I just looked up at him and laughed slightly, Admiring his way of keeping this a secret for now, I was already upset at my dad anyway, treating him like this. Mike just looked down at me sadly, Which then made my expression change too, Knowing he still had the constant fear of our Dad.

'Well be quiet then, Brat.'

Dad hissed as he angrily walked away. Me and Michael sat talking for hours, He didn't care that it sounded as though he was speaking to himself, All he cared about was having company and seeing me again, Realising I don't hate him after all. He eventually fell asleep, I tried to move him into a more comfortable position but I found it a little hard considering it was a tiny closet. 

I couldn't wait till morning when I could prove father wrong and show him that I DO exist.. Mike isn't going 'crazy'. 

There's no such thing as ghosts, Michael. (FNAF AU)Where stories live. Discover now