The Truth

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Chapter 12

"Gah, this is inferior!" Zane told himself, referring to the melted skin and wires. He sighed and slowly stood up. He stumbled a bit when he felt a bit off balanced, but caught himself like it was nothing. He slowly removed his hand from his arm and walked over, opening the door and quietly walking out.

He closed the door and sighed once more. He turned around and gasped in fright as he jumped back, quickly putting his hand back on his arm as he looked straight ahead, seeing Cole infront of him.

"There you are!" Cole said happily, putting his own hands together. "Are you alright, Zane? I mean, I know it's a bit startling to find those parts... But, I can tell something else is wrong." Cole looked at Zane's hand that was covering his arm. "Is something else bothering you? Did you get hurt?"

"No, I am fine, Cole." Zane told him, but felt bad for lying. The truth is, he wasn't okay. The physical pain he could feel was driving him nearly insane, but he didn't want anyone to worry about him.

"Zane, you can tell me anything..." Cole said softly. "I'm sure I can help!"

"I don't think you can help with this..." Zane mumbled, not realizing Cole could hear.

"Not help with what?" He questioned, slowly moving his hand to Zane's hand that was on his arm. "Are you trying to hide something?"

Zane looked at his arm and sighed. He finally gave in and removed his hand from his arm revealing the damage.

Cole gasped as he covered his mouth with both hands. "Zane! Why didn't you tell me?! Or anyone?!"

"I didn't pine for you to be troubled by this." Zane told him, turning away.

"You should always tell at least someone things about this! I mean, what about that time when you fought Mr. E or when Kai and Nya accidentally turned time back and you were gone? Or-"

"What about me?" Nya walked up to them, putting her hands on her hips.

"Zane got hurt!" Cole told Nya, making Zane sigh.

"Zane, let me see it." Nya told him in a tone of, 'Show me or I'll throw you off the ship.'

Zane turned to her and showed her his arm, making Nya's eyes widen in shock.

"Woah! What happened here?"

"The Overlord had burned me and it had melted through my skin." Zane explained to her, making Cole look down sadly and turn away.

Cole was upset, because Zane never told him what was wrong. He didn't understand that Zane didn't want him to worry and he would be okay. He wanted to care for Zane and protect him, but he often felt like Zane didn't need his protection, even when they were just friends.

"Come on, let's go and get you fixed up." Nya said to Zane, which he nodded. He look toward Cole and frowned, seeing him upset. He reached over and grabbed Cole's hand, making Cole quickly look up. He tugged at his hand, signaling Cole to follow, which he did.

They went into the small computer room where Zane had to recover multiple times. Zane sat down and looked down, even worried for himself which wasn't often and, perhaps, never. Zane was never worried about himself and he has never been selfish. He only cares about his friends. His family. He doesn't care what happens to himself, but only cares that his friends are protected at all costs, no matter what he has to do in order to protect them. In fact, that is Zane's purpose. Protect those, who cannot protect themselves. He fought for those who needed protection and he fought to stop the evil for rising, but the creation to be brought back to life.

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