Murder book

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"I'm so sorry for your loss, Mrs. Bennet," a red-haired woman says looking at an older woman in her early 60's. " It was just so sudden him having his heart attack was a surprise to us all" Mrs. Bennet cries, shaking her head. "I know it always feels like the people we love are always taken from us early" the red-haired woman sighs bringing Mrs. Bennet into a hug.

" Oh libi!" Mrs. Bennet sobs into Libi's shoulder, Libi just rubs the older woman's back. " How about we go sit down with your family" Libi stated, moving the older woman over to a table, she sat Mrs. Bennet down patting her shoulder, smiling then walking away. She pulls out a piece of paper that was folded neatly in her dress pocket, on the paper it said Mallory Lola with a picture of the woman below the name.

The picture showed a light golden brown-haired, brown-eyed, tan-skinned woman. It was a mugshot. She was scraped up in the photo, a black eye, blood seeping from cuts. It said below the photo continuous aggravated assaults. Libi folded the paper back up neatly putting it away in her pocket, she looked around the room looking for Mallory. She spots the young woman across the room eating and laughing at a round table. Libi grabs her phone from her purse, she taps on her contacts tapping the name of Detective Sander.

The phone begins to dial, "hello? Libi, you called?" Sanders asks " ah, yes Detective I called because I found the girl you've been looking for. She is at the reception of Mr. Bennet's funeral, thought you would like to know. Also please don't arrest her right away you can come in and watch" Libi says waiting for Sanders's answer. " I'll be there right away, Libi please watch her for me until I arrive" Sander stated you can hear him scurrying to grab his things.

" Ok, see you soon" Libi says, hanging up the phone sitting at an empty table with a view of Mallory. Libi watched as she would punch someone's shoulder howling at the person who just told a joke. Mallory Lola was wanted for skipping her court date from one of her latest aggravated assault cases, Libi figured that Mallory would show for Mr. Bennet's funeral because Mr. Bennet was always there for Mallory. The doors opened slightly and a man peeked his head inside dark brown hair that was held up in gel swiped to the side.

His emerald green eyes narrowed observing the people in the room, he finally stepped in he was tall probably 6'4 he was also dressed in a black suit and green tie. Buttoning up the middle of his suit he briskly walks over to Libi, " hello sanders" Libi says her arms folded on the table, a small smile on her face. She didn't have to look to know who was approaching her. 

" Hi Libi, has she made any move yet?" He questions, Libi shakes her head " Mostly talking to people at her table" Libi answers looking back over at Mallory. Libi's light blue eyes shone in the sun, her gold earrings sparkling. " When should we make a move?" Sanders whispers " not now, Sanders. This is my domain so we will wait after the reception is over" Libi replies looking over at him.

Mallory then gets up waving to the people at her table walking away from the group with her bag in hand walking over to the door. " Now's our chance," Sanders says, getting up from his chair, " we'll take another exit that intersects hers " Libi stands up. Sanders nods his head in agreement following Libi out another door.

They make it outside waiting at the front doors before Mallory even exits the building. She was on her phone not noticing the two were waiting for her. " Ms. Mallory Lola you are coming with us," Sanders says calmly walking up the stairs to a shocked Mallory " wah wait what" Mallory exclaimed her face turning red. She looked like she was about to take off until Libi was right beside her grabbing her hand before she could take off.

"Ms. Mallory you're just humiliating yourself more, let's go quietly before Mrs. Bennet sees this" Libi hisses tugging her arm behind her back. Sanders grabs the arm Libi has clutched moving Libi aside and he cuffs Mallory, "thanks for the help Libi but I can take over now" Sanders says walking away with Mallory in front. He walks to his car putting Mallory in the backseat, he turns to face Libi, briskly waving then he walks over to the driver's seat.

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