Part 5

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I tossed around in my sleep as the colour red filled my mind. Blood, screaming, crying, it was all happening. I was stuck in the middle of the blood filled lake as it slowly rose. I called for help, but know one came. I was in this alone. Again. I conitnued to scream until the blood finally swallowed me and I woke up in a cold sweat, panting for breath. I was in the BMTH bus. Everyone was still asleep. And snoring, might I add. Oli rolled on to his side so he was facing the wall. I decided to head back to my bus, so I quickly threw my jeans and top back on and left the bus. The sun was just rising, so I was going to guess it was somewhere between 5:30am to 6 am. I got to my bus and slowly walked in, before I remembered who was in there.

The Black Veil Brides guys were sprawled between Red, Christian, Alex and Tom's beds. CC was asleep on the couch. I tipped toed through to my room, praying that none of them woke up. I pulled back the curtain to my "room", only to discover my boys all piled into my bed. Red was still wearing his ripped shirt that he ruined to help me last night. I walked in and saw my white board that I write my daily schedule on, only to see it wiped clean and replaced with;

We love you Danny, and we will ALWAYS be here for you. Remember, we're family. R,C,A,T <3

Their note melted my heart as I looked at the 4 of them. My family. I'd be lost without those boys. I love them all, especially Red. He is the only one in the band that knew about what happened. He just 'got' me. I decided not to wake them and began to leave when I heard one of them groan.

"Danny? What are you doing? Are you okay?" I turned around to see Red trying and crawl out from under Alex, who had most of his body on top of him.

"Fuck ya Alex you tosser. Get you fat ass off me." Red said, pushing Alex down the bed. None of those boys woke, they were dead to the world at this moment.

"Red, go to sleep. I'm fine. I was just coming to check everything after last night." I replied, insisting he went back to sleep.

"I'm awake now, and won't be getting back to sleep. Come on, let's get a coffee." He said, grabbing my good arm and dragging me behind him. As we walked through the bus, I heard one of the BVB guys groan in their bed, but I soon recognised who it was. The curtain begain to open to reveale Andy. It was too early for me to start losing it. I just looked at him with a dead expression.

"Come on, we don't need to wake them. They have had to put up with enough crap already." I said quietly, but enough that Andy heard. Andy looked me in the eye for a couple of seconds before Red and I continued on our way to the nearest coffee shop. 

No one else was inside, so we got our coffee's pretty quickly and sat down outside on the curb. So rebel. Red kept looking my way every now and again in our silence as i side glanced at him whilst sipping my coffee.

"Red, I'm fine. You don't have to worry. I'm okay, for the most part. Really, stop worrying." I said, pushing him slightly. He grabbed my hand and stopped me from pushing him, looking at me, completley serious.

"Danny, I've known this chick since middle school. When a timid little girl walked in with her long black hair and eyeliner done pretty crappy. She wouldn't talk to anyone and chose to hang out in the music room during her free periods. Then some crappy guy 2 years older came into that music room and that girl spoke about music with so much passion. In highschool, that timid girl turned into such an amazing woman that could do anything. She had a goal, and pulled 4 other losers into her dream. She help all of them through so much and picked them up when they thought they hit rock bottom. 2 years later into highschool, when those crappy guys had graduated, that girl, now a senior went through the worst thing I could imagine, something I'd never wish on my worst enemy, and the first person she ran to was that crappy guy she met in the music room."

"I'm not going to stop worrying Danny, because we have been through way to much. We have know each other for 7 years, and I am going to worry about you for years to come, because it is our turn to look out for you, like you did for us all those years." Red said, never breaking eye contact. I literally had nothing to say. I was stunned. I had completley blank out how much we had been through. I know I will never stop worrying about them. All I could do was hug Red for what felt like forever.

"You know, for some crappy guy I met in a music room, you're one hell of a motivational speaker. Why one Earth did you ever drop English for music?" I laughed, still huggin g him.

"Some shitty chick changed my outlook on life. But in a good way, I wouldn't have it any other way." He replied. His grip was strong, and he shirt was still ripped. I let go and stood up.

"Me neither." I smiled as I offered a hand to help him up. He towered over me.

"Actually, sit back down. I don't like feeling short next to you." I said, lightly pushing him. He looked down at me (Yes, I am that short next to him) and tousled me hair.

"But it makes you look so adorable." He chuckled as I smacked his hand away. We began to walk back, and when the buses came into sight, I saw everyone outside of the buses. Alex, Christian and Tom ran up to Red and I, and without warning, brang in a group hug, me being in the centre.

"Go Team Crappy Kids!" Alex called out as we all laughed as we broke apart and stood in a circle facing each other.

Daenerys: "In it to the end." 

Red: "For better or for worse."

Christian: "Sun and rain won't stop us."

Alex: "Because we are indestructable."

Tom: "Inseperable."

"Red: "From crappy kids in a music room."

Daenerys: "To crappy kids playing on a main stage."

Christian: "We are one."

Tom: "We are family."

All together: "We are Butterfly Electra." 

We brought our fists to the middle and stood closer.

"And we are going to rock this world." I said, as we all looked at each other and smiled. This is our team, there is no breaking this bond we have. I looked over at Red who was opposite me and mouthed "Thank You" for making me realise what was really important. He winked at me and we stood back. Everyone was watching us with what looked like pride and awe. This isn't the first time we did this speech, and everyone knew that we meant business.

The BVB bus pulled up and managers called their bands. I looked over at Oli, who had his arms crossed and mouthed "I love you" to me. I did it back and Oli turned to see Andy staring his down. Andy then looked at me, and the feeling in my stomach came back. Hate and disgust. All the bands climbed into their buses and started up. we walked towards Paul who had his arms crossed and smiled with pride at us.

"Next stop, Warped Tour. You ready for this guys." Paul asked as we were about 30 metres away.

"We are ready, and we are going to fucking rock this tour." I said as I threw my hand back and the boys all high fived it at once. We got on the bus and lead the rest of the buses out.

Next stop, Warped Tour. 


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