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Yamaguchi walks to the back of the Tsukishima house, creeping along the side. "If I flash any passerby's he's gonna get it!" Yamaguchi whispers aggressively to himself. He sees Tsukishima's window and he quietly, but quickly, walks over across the grass. He peeks through into the room and sighs of relief, no one is In there, and the door is shut, so any noise he makes won't really be heard.

The green haired feMale opens the window, which was cracked, Tsukki said that he had left it cracked. He pushes it higher and leans in, also trying not to let his skirt rise up. "This would look way weirder if I were a guy haha.." he says quietly to himself. Yamaguchi pulls himself upwards and hits his head on the window. "Ow!" He quickly covers his mouth and looks at the door, waiting for someone to enter. No one comes. Yamaguchi let's out a breath.

He swings his legs in, but trips over the ledge and falls flat on his face. He makes an indescribable sound and sits up, grabbing his face. Yamaguchi hears shuffling outside the door and he walks over to the closet and closes himself in.

After a few minutes, Tsukishima walks in and closes the door behind him. "Yamaguchi?" He asks the empty room.

Yamaguchi opens the closet door and walks out. "I'm here!" He says, embarrassed that he made so much noise, but he smiles.

Tsukishima sighs and sits on the bed, "What did you even do in here? I heard a loud sound." He looks up at Yamaguchi.

Yamaguchi rubs the back of his neck nervously, "I fell off the ledge and onto the floor. Sorry Tsukki! Did Akiteru hear it?" He asks, sitting next to Tsukishima on the bed.

"No he didn't. I told him it was part of the movie he was watching, but he isn't that dumb so he's probably suspicious of something going on." Tsukishima adjusts his glasses and sighs. "Also how can you not climb through a window? My room is on the first floor."

Yamaguchi pouts and then sighs. "Well it was hard trying to climb in and not flash everyone on the streets. I'm wearing a skirt Tsukki, which is my own fault. Haha."

Tsukishima turns away from Yamaguchi, "If you flashed anyone and I get a complaint you can't come over anymore." He threatens, but it sounds shaky.

Yamaguchi leans over Tsukishima, "Tsukki? Are you upset that passerby people may have seen under my skirt?" He pushes the question onto the blonde. Tsukisuima ignores Yamaguchi and continues to try and hide his face.

"You're too close." He says, his voice sounds normal, but there's a hint of.. shame or embarrassment.

Yamaguchi gets closer in, "Awe don't be embarrassed, I haven't seen shameful Tsukki in a while. Lemme see your face." He laughs and lays on top of him.

"Yamaguchi you're a girl remember, you can't just go laying on top of people like this." Tsukishima counters. He grabs Yamaguchi's shoulders and pushes him down. "When did you get so hands on? Is this the effect of being a girl or what?" He asks.

Yamaguchi's cheeks heat up when he sees that Tsukishima is above him, holding him down by his shoulders. They stay like that, both surprised by what happened, and then the door opens. Their eyes both shoot towards the door.

"I- KEI?!" Akiteru yells in question. He drops the pile of clothes he had in his hands. His eyes move to Yamaguchi, "WHY ARE YOU ON TOP OF A GIRL ON YOUR BED!?? YOU'RE TOO YOUNG TO HAVE KIDS!!" He yells, Akiteru runs over to Tsukishima and pulls him off of Yamaguchi, who's eyes would be in swirls if this were some cartoon. Tsukishima pushes his brother off of him, "I didn't see you being anyone over!? Who is she?!" Akiteru asks loudly.

Yamaguchi sits up and swings his legs over the side of the bed, he can see Akiteru's eyes light up in familiarization to the green haired girl. Tsukishima gestures to Yamaguchi. "I'm sure I don't need to make introductions. This is Yamaguchi."

The older blonde takes a minute to respond, "W-WHAT?!" Yamaguchi smiles weakly and waves to him.

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