Chapter 4

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The hooded figure turned around. It was Nightmare, looking very shock, but his hood covered his head, hiding the expression on his face.

"Time to end this..." said Dream when he recovered from shock, summoning his sharp claymore and held it tightly in his hands.

He flap his majestic golden wings and launched himself directly at Nightmare. He had expected his brother to dodge his attack or block it with his weapon but as he was a few inches away from his brother, he stopped. He didn't know why, but he just stopped.

Dream just stood in front of the small guardian.

The others were confused, including Nightmare.

"Why aren't you going to kill me?" Nightmare asked.

"Why aren't you escaping or attacking?" Dream asked back.

Cross, Error, Blue and Ink were curious as well. The negative guardian stayed silent.

He then somehow round house kick Dream in the face, despite Dream's tall size before teleporting away.

Dream was lying on the ground rubbing the spot where Nightmare kicked him, crying like a baby. It was definitely not his lucky day. Meanwhile the other skeletons were laughing their non-existent butt off.

"SHUT UP!!!!" Dream shrieked.

Blue and Error used there strings to carry a crying bird back to the car. Cross was taking pictures of Dream just for blackmail. Ink, who is beside Cross saw something under the tree, it was a book.

"Interesting..." He took it and hid it in his scarf.

Back with Nightmare, he was in a cave. He took off his hood and sigh, "Who knows how long I have left... Well, at least Dream and the others will be happy..."

He smiled as tears rolled down his bony cheek.


Dream had an ice pack on his cheek, complaining.

Ink was looking at the cover of the book he found. Error noticed it and asked, "Hey Ink, where did you get that book?"

"Found it under the tree," Ink answered.

"Must be my 'brother's'," said Dream grumpily. "I didn't see that book when I was 'talking' to him."

"Ooh! Maybe it's a story book!" Cross chirped, making a cute face. "Can you read it?"

Ink blushed as he saw the face the Oreo was making. "Fine..."

Everyone started paying attention as Ink opened the book and look at the words written in glittering purple ink on the first page.

"My Diary"

"This is Nightmare's diary? Nice!" Blue exclaimed.

"Let's hear the juicy stuff!" Cross shouted excitedly.

"This is getting interesting..." Dream thought.

Ink flipped to a random entry.



Another day of being bullied. Not as much as yesterday. Some bunny guy used a bat and hit the back of my skull. Luckily it was just a crack, not a hole. Dream didn't notice it. He just came and gave me some kind of rock. It was shaped like a crescent, interesting actually. But them some idiotic wolf girl took it and beat me up. Well, too bad. I write again tomorrow.


Ink was shocked. He look at the faces of his friends. They were shock as well.

"Dream... did you know about this?" Blue asked.

"No... he never told me," Dream whispered, but still audible.

"Not much as yesterday... Does that mean he was bullied way more that day?" Error concluded.

Ink read more entries. Each one way worst than the last. Then they reached the entries after the day after he found out Cross and Error betrayed him.

"Now we'll see what he has been doing these days," Cross said, getting more nervous.

"Yup..." Ink muttered.

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