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When Stephani's father left with her we all saw Selena walking up to the guards who walked Stephani in from the tree line hidding before walking out with her, we all paid attention to hear what Selena was going to say to them once she was in front of them.

"You may keep your wings as long as you promise to use them for good, the moment you use them in a different way they shall disappear and you will be punished" Selena said

"Understood your majesty" both of the guards said as they bowed and kneeled in front of her

She then turned and started to walk towards us as she retracted her wings, her eyes still as black as a starless night.

"Why did you do that to her" I asked

She turned towards me and you could see the anger in her eyes, I was frozen in my spot.

"I wouldn't expect anything more then this from you, I mean you did chose her over me so its only understandible that you want to defend her but if you must know she had to pay for her crimes" Selena said as her eyes became darker

"It's not like that Selena" I said

"Safe it for someone who cares" she said as she turned and started to walk away from us in the same direction that Lucifer went with our son in his arms

"You shouldn't have done that Guillermo, now if you want to get near her it will be alot harder" Sebastian said

"What should I do now then" I asked him

"Give her space and let her cool down, she has been through alot all because of Stephani and you asking her why she did what she did didn't help your situation with her" he said

"Lets go son, give her time she will come around" my father said

"Just one question Sebastian and I hope you will answer me with the truth" I said

"What is it" he answered

"That little boy is really her son" I asked

"And yours, Selena asked us to say that he was ours because she was to weak and we all thought that she was going to die" he answered

"What is his name" I asked him

"Recole but we all call him Cole for short" he answered

"It means gift from God" Susy said

"It fits him perfectly" my mother said

"We should go and get going" my father said

"No, please stay Selena will be right back she most likely went to get Lucifer and Cole" Michael said

"She doesn't even want me near her" I said

"Let her cool down, she will come around" Michael said

We walked to the area where there was food but I couldn't eat anything all I could think about is how I was going to get Selena to talk with me, on how I was going to get her to tell me why she hid our son from me all this time. I could have been a father all this time and she took that away from me, I was so mad that I didn't realize when Selena had returned with her father and our son in her arms fast asleep until my father nodge me with his arm making me look at him before he motioned towards the table where Sebastian was with his family.

I got up with the intention of going to them and asking to talk with Selena but when she turned to see me I could tell that she was still mad at me and didn't want me any where near them, she then said something to her family and started to walk towards the pack house and going inside. Sebastian walked up to me and asked me to follow him, I did as he asked and he led me to the pack house and up some stairs. Before we got to the top floor he told me to mask my scent which I did, we then stopped in front of a bedroom door and he knock on it before we heard Selena call out allowing who ever was outside to go in. Sebastian told me to stay outside and just listen, he then walked inside and left the door some what open so I would be able to hear what ever they said.

"Can we talk" Sebastian asked

"Sure" Selena said

"Is Cole asleep" he asked

"Yeah, he was worn out due to the travel" she said

"What are you going to do with Guillermo, he already knows that Cole is his son" he said

"He chose someone else over me, then mated with her so there is nothing to do about that" she said

"Sel do you even care about him any more, I mean he is still your mate neither one of you rejected the other" he said

"Why are you asking me this Sebas" she asked him

"Sel, I have known you since we were pups and I can tell that deep down you still feel something for Guillermo. I saw it in your eyes when you looked at him before you shifted in to your human form earlier today, especially when he was looking at Cole as he saw the resemblance between the both of you and him" he said

"Sebas, un like you my mate mated with me and then ignored me for a whole month making up excuses of why we couldn't meet up only to find out that he was the pack sluts boyfriend and then mated with her almost making me lose my son and if that wasn't enough he chose her over me even when I came out clean and said who I really was" Selena said

"She told him that she was pregnant with his pup" Sebastian said

"But she wasn't Sebas and I was, if he would have only paid more attention he would have seen my baby bump but no he wanted her not me" Selena said her words craking at the end

When they didn't say anything else and I heard her start crying I started to walk in to the room, when Sebastian saw me he laid Selena on the bed and told her that he was going to go get her something to drink. When he left I walked to her bed and sat down on it before placing my hand on her head and started to stroke her hair, slowly but surely she started to calm down and when she turned around to look at me her eyes were red and puffy which made me pick her up and place her on my lap as I held her in my arms while she started to cry again in my arms getting my shirt wet but I didn't care I had my mate, the mother of my son in my arms and no one was going to get in between us again.

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