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Hendery walked out from his house when suddenly his body was pushed until he hit the wall.The guy infront of him held his grip until Hendery couldnt move himself.

"Im so done with your games,just tell me who's the killer or i kill you!",Yuta threatened Hendery as he pushed Hendery's body against the wall so that he cant run away from him.

"What are you talking about?",Hendery asked back while trying to release himself from Yuta's grip.

"I thought you're Xiaojun's boyfriend,you should know more about that",he tried to provoke Hendery while loosen his grip.

Hendery looked at Yuta with his fiery eyes,

"I dont know anything about your brother!Xiaojun too!",he shouted then walked away leaving Yuta.

Yuta shifted his gaze to Hendery,he knows something was up with that man.

He then walked to his car and drove away to meet Rona.

- -

"Im sorry for being late,got caught in heavy traffic",he gave an excuse so that it wont irritated Rona for waiting too long.

"Its okay,anyway i already know the one who always threaten Haesoo",she told Yuta.

Yuta moved closer to Haesoo as she started to get his attention.

"Its like a chinese name so im not sure how to pronounce it..huang guanheng maybe?",she asked which Yuta havent heard that name before or maybe because of her pronounciation that makes Yuta couldnt get one.

Yuta didnt know what to do but then he took out his phone and showed the picture of Xiaojun,

"How bout this guy?do you know him?",he asked.

Rona took the phone and spend some time to look for it when her eyes suddenly widened,

"Its Haesoo's crush!..wait",she stopped and began zooming at the person beside Xiaojun.

"Omg!!",she was shocked and looked at Yuta,

"Thats the guy!The guy that threatens Haesoo!",she said while gave back the phone to Yuta.

Yuta was satisfied,finally he got some proofs to attack Hendery.He decided to tell Doyoung about this so that Doyoung will believe him.

"Rona,i have to go somewhere right now so can you meet me this evening?I have to explain everything back to my friend",Yuta asked for a favor to Rona.

Rona nodded as she agreed to help him then Yuta quickly drove to the police station to meet Doyoung.

When he arrived,he saw Doyoung was just walking outside his workplace.

"Are you not working?I called you several times but you didnt answer",Yuta approached Doyoung while Doyoung quickly checked his phone didnt realized that he turned it to silent mode.

"Owh sorry,i didnt realized it.Why did you call me?",Doyoung asked before Yuta took his hand and pulled him until they reached Yuta's car.

"What are you doing?",Doyoung asked.

Yuta released Doyoung's hand and stood facing him,

"Hendery is the killer",his sudden statement caught Doyoung off guard.

"What?",Doyoung asked back.

Yuta looked around him then shifted his gaze back to Doyoung,

"Hendery is the one who threatened Haesoo,i think he might be the one who killed her",Yuta tried to convince him.

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