Chapter 3

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Lena Adler was a simple woman, or at least she'd like to think she was. She lived in a modest penthouse near where she worked, went to the gym every day at 5:00 a.m. on the dot (she couldn't stand unpunctuality and disorganization, it spoke volumes of a person and their character) for 30 minutes before getting ready for work. She ate a varied but humble breakfast made by her personal chef that had the right amount of calories and all the nutritional values she needed to meet, a meal that had to be prepared by the time she went back home. Eating took about ten to fifteen minutes. Nothing less, nothing more, and she never, never had coffee. It was simply an abomination. Any self-respecting woman would drink tea and only tea.

In short, her life was very uncomplicated and straightforward despite her being a councilwoman, that much was obvious to anyone.

Another thing Lena couldn't stand was being thrown curveballs. It made it difficult to plan ahead and she always had to have a plan, no questions asked. She sighed as she opened her penthouse's door and dropped her overcoat in its respectful hanger. The coat was gold, one of her signature colors.

Everything had been turning out exactly as she planned, but there just had to be a witness present as Dark and Broody shot that pesky reporter hadn't there? Why couldn't life just work out the way she wanted it to for a change?

She walked towards the center of her home and looked at the full body mirror in her living room where her face stared right back, reflecting. Her long black tresses sleek and brushed back, not a single strand out of place. Her calculating almond-shaped eyes painted the picture of innocence all while showcasing a smokey eyeshadow look that was just the right shade of black, her cat eyeliner attracting attention towards her striking bluebells. The apples of her cheeks adorned a delicate pink blush. She'd decided to go for bold that morning, and now wore a blood-red lipstick that complemented her complexion beautifully. All in all, she was the epitome of absolute perfection. However, as Lena looked closer she noticed her lipstick had smudged the tiniest bit and drew in a sharp breath.

"Well that won't do," she muttered as she took out her Cartier cosmetics bag and set out to fix the mess with her makeup wipes. In her life, every move had to be precise, every little detail controlled and in order. Perfect, her mind supplied. She couldn't afford to be less than perfect. So she diligently wiped the smudge and carefully reapplied her lipstick.

The sound of someone clearing their throat came from behind her, so she took a look from the corner of her eye, still focusing on reapplying the beautiful shade of red on her plump lips. She sighed.

"Your report, please, gentlemen."

The two henchmen completely clad in black shared a look. Quite frankly, she could barely stand to look at the pair for too long. Ugh, they were complete eyesores! What were they even wearing? Black on black was so last season. It physically pained her that her own men would have so little appreciation for fashion. And don't even get her started on that cheap cologne both were wearing! That putrid stench was already giving her a headache and it would take days to get out of her cushions. She huffed and made a mental note to order the cleaning staff to swing by later.

She narrowed her eyes and quirked up a perfectly plucked eyebrow, still looking at the pair through the mirror, when they remained silent.


The man on the left (Brutus, was it? She never bothered to learn their names, they weren't of any use to her after all and henchmen were always expendable) elbowed the man on the right from where they stood in the middle of her living room. He glared at his partner but started speaking.

"We still haven't found the kid yet, Ms. Adler."

She hummed as she put down her lipstick and took a golden revolver from a drawer nearby, examining it. "May I ask why?"

"He moves fast, Ms. We haven't had much luck. We believe he may be on his way out of the city as we speak."

She turned around and gave them a hard glare. "Are you saying that you're both so inept that at the one job I specifically asked you to take care of, you were outsmarted by a teenager?"

"N-no, ma'am. It's just- the police are looking for us, ya see? If we were to be out there for too long we were gonna be goners for sure, Ms.," The guy who she had dubbed Righty bowed his head and gulped audibly. "We even checked over where ya left the body, Ms. T-the PD was swarming the place when we arrived."

Cold fury settled in the pit of her stomach and she took a steadying breath. No use losing control right now.

"Well, maybe you should worry less about the police who have yet to catch on," she said in a dangerous warning tone. "And worry more about me who's still mulling over whether you have any worth to me or not. Best to leave it to Dark and Broody since he clearly has more brain cells than the two of you combined. You!" she pointed to the other guy, dubbed, well, Leftie. "Tell me you cleared everything."

"We, uh," he started fidgeting, exuding nervous energy, "the cops got there before us, Ms. T-they took over the scene. W-we heard your name being thrown around though, Ms. Adler, t-they're starting to suspect y-you I think."

Dread sipped into her bones before Lena reigned in her emotions and schooled her face into a blank mask of indifference. A perfect mask.

"I see." She said simply, her grip on the revolver so tight it made her knuckles turn white.

She turned around and shot Righty twice before any of them could so much as blink. Blood started pooling on her beautiful hardwood floors. This is going to be such a joy for the cleaning staff to take care of, she thought sarcastically, My poor wooden floors.

"I hope," she said, venom dripping from her lips at every word, "that this serves you as a reminder of what happens when you disappoint me." She walked towards him and leaned in, face awfully close. He was terrified, his whole body trembling.

"And we wouldn't want that, now would we?" She shot him a wry smile. "Don't mess up again or the next body dropping will be yours. Understood?"

"Y-yes, Ma'am."

"Glad we're on the same page. Now go do your job and join Whatever-His-Name-Is on his search for that pest. Oh, and take Leftie there with you, I have no reason to have him around anymore. I'll take care of the mess you left for me to fix."

She turned around, walking towards her mirror once again. Righty was still standing there frozen, looking at his partner's stiff body. She growled.

"Well, what are you waiting for? GO!"

He quickly came to and scurried away.

Honestly, if you want something done right...

She pinched the bridge of her nose with a perfectly manicured hand, "I'm surrounded by incompetence."

I guess I'll just call the staff now. The cheap cologne odor is starting to mix with the smell of blood and that isn't very pleasant. Plus, the color contrast between the floor and the blood is just awful.

At this point, she'd become desensitized to things like this. Lena would always want more, more, more, and she would do whatever it took to get her to the top, no matter who she trampled to get there. Most would call it greed, she called it ambition. At the end of the day, she wouldn't hesitate. Lena Adler never hesitates. She would never let the rug be swiped from underneath her feet. She would kiss anyone's boots if it meant she got to stab them from behind later.

A small smirk played on her lips. And really, who could fault her for wanting more when she clearly deserved it? She was above all of them anyway, and soon she would have it all. Soon everyone would fall at the mercy of Lena Adler!

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