🤍One-Shot #2️⃣0️⃣//Blaze and PZ97(Christina)'s history🤍

14 3 5

March 2019

Christina entered the school grounds, she saw Blaze there "hey Blazey!" :3 Christina greeted him with a warm smile, Blaze looked up and smiled "hey Chrissie" :3 Blaze greeted Christina back, he got up and gave her a peck on the lips "are you okay? You seemed nervous" Christina said with a look of worry "everything is okay.. but do you know that organisation I kept telling you about.." Blaze said "yes.. is it Project Zorgo..? That one organisation who kept messing with YouTubers and kidnapping them for no apparent reason?" Christina asked "Yep, they've been getting on my nerves" -_-💢 Blaze said, annoyed "I'm sorry to hear that. I wish I could help out" Christina said with a sympathetic look "honestly, love. You don't have to because I don't want to make you a target" Blaze said, smiling at her.

The school bell rung, meaning it was time to go to class "oh.. it's class. Well see you around!" Christina said before running off "s-see you!" :3 Blaze said before entering the school building.


After school, Christina got out of the schools building, she heard running behind her "Christina!" a male voice yelled, Christina turned to se Blaze, her emotionless frown was now replaced with a warm smile "hey Blazey~" ^//w\\^ Christina said, hugging him "hey Chrissie, are you up for that date night?" Blaze asked her "sorry, my love but I don't think I will make it tonight, I have family business to attend" Christina said with a sympathetic smile "o-oh.. I see" Blaze meekly replied, Christina turned to walk away then sighed, feeling bad that she has to hide these things from Blaze.

Blaze walked back to Artemis, who just witnessed the whole thing "Blaze.." Artemis calmly told him "yes Artie?" Blaze said to him causing Artemis to blush at that nickname Blaze has gave him "your girlfriend is a little weird I have to say.." Artemis said to him, having a tone of suspicion "what makes you say that?" Blaze asked "well, you don't even know her family nor her life at home!" Artemis snapped "Artie.." Blaze said with a look of sympathy "n-never mind.." Artemis said, sounding mad and embarrassed at the same time before walking off, he gave a guilty look, feeling bad of what he just said to his best friend.


Christina arrived at the PZ headquarters, she met few hackers there guarding the back entrance "welcome back PZ97" the hacker sinisterly greeted her "h-hi.. PZ member.." Christina shyly but nervously greeted them back, doing the PZ-hand posture before entering the headquarters "PZ97!" a male voice yelled, walking up to her, behind her, Christina tired to see PZ6 "yes PZ6..?" Christina said, meekly "the PZ leader wants you, me and few other hackers for a mission today. So get dressed and go to room 176!" PZ6 exclaimed "-sigh- okay" Christina gently said.

Christina headed to her room and put her PZ clothes on, she got out of her room and went to the room where PZ6 told her to be, she entered and to see some grown-up PZ members and one around her age. After 15 minutes, the PZ Leader entered the room, driving on his hover board, doing the PZ hand posture causing all the hackers to do it as well "greetings PZ members" the leader greeted the hackers, releasing the PZ-greeting posture causing the hackers to do as well "I want you guys to kidnap Blaze Gaming Dreams" the leader told the hackers "B-Blaze-..?!" Christina exclaimed, eye-widen in shock of what she was hearing.

"Now, PZ97. I know he's your boyfriend and your doing some work to gain his trust then trap him" the leader started speaking to PZ97, he then handed a hacker mask to her "wear this. It has a voice modulator" the leader calmly told her "I-.. okay.." Christina said with a sigh, she put the mask on, the PZ members headed out of the headquarters and got in a car to drive to the park, they got out of the car and saw Blaze, sitting down and relaxing.

"He's distracted. Let's go after him!" PZ6 exclaimed "right!" PZ44 exclaimed then the PZ members walked up to him, one of the hackers grabbed a bag then put it on Blaze's head "what the f^ck-?!" Blaze muttered, he then punched the bag away then got up and turned to see the hackers "WHAT THE HECK YOU GUYS?!" Blaze furiously yelled.

"Hello Blaze Gaming Dreams" PZ11 sinisterly greeted him "I-.. no" -_- Blaze said then kicked the mask off Christina's face causing it to fly out "C-CHRISTINA?!" Blaze yelled, eye-widening in shocked "B-Blaze-.. I can explain-...!" Christina yelled, stepping up to him, reaching her hand out to Blaze but he smacked it, Christina saw his face, he a face of hurt, betrayal and disgust, he had tears filling his eyes, Blaze then ran off.

Christina fell on her knees and started sobbing "I TOLD YOU GUYS THIS WOULD HAPPEN!" Christina began yelling at the hackers, sobbing in anger and with heart-breaking tears "PZ97-" one of the hackers said "go away! I just want some alone time.." Christina said, her voice and frown softening.

The PZ members all walked away from her in silence, PZ97 stared at the quite, fresh tears streaming down 'I love you, Blaze.. but, there is no way, you can look at me ever again, finding out I'm a PZ member..' Christina thought to herself, still crying in silence.


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