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The comments

Paige: really nick Nick: I'm sorry baby but it's true Paige: that's it no kisses for you He comes up in front of me and kisses me and then grabs my phone back and runs away and runs out the room so I run after him and he runs in the bathroom and l...

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Paige: really nick
Nick: I'm sorry baby but it's true
Paige: that's it no kisses for you
He comes up in front of me and kisses me and then grabs my phone back and runs away and runs out the room so I run after him and he runs in the bathroom and locks the door and I hear giggling
Paige: what are you looking at
Nick: omg he's the love of my life Ryry I'm glad he's in my life I can't wait to have his kids I can't wait to be Paige Anne Austin I can't wait for a promise ring
Paige: baby stop reading those
Nick: why
Paige: it's embarrassing
Nick: fine
Paige: come out we gotta take these off
He walks out and we go back to his room which is technically ours now and then we go to the bathroom and take the face masks off and watch more movies and then fall asleep and then I wake up and he's still asleep so I get up and walk out the room and go in kouvr and Alex's room and sit on the bed and kouvr walks out the bathroom in just a towel
Kouvr: Jesus I thought you were one of the boys
Paige: nah
Kouvr: what's up
I smile
Kouvr: what
Paige: were going on a date
Kouvr: In like public
Paige: yeah
Kouvr: omg we gotta get you ready
Paige: ya think
She goes back in the bathroom and gets dressed and then comes back in
Kouvr: what are you wearing
Paige: I don't know
Kouvr: lets go
Paige: where
Kouvr: your room lets go
Paige: we cant be loud nick is asleep
Kouvr: ok ok
She runs out the room and runs to my door and we walk in and he's still asleep awh
Kouvr: *whispers* stop simping
Paige: *whispers* I can't look at him
She looks at him
Kouvr: *whispers* how do you find that attractive he is drooling
Paige: *whispers* uh he's hot
Kouvr: *whispers* ok I'm not doing this
We grab my suitcase and sit in the floor and open my suitcase and she pick out a few outfits and then I feel someone sit behind and put me on their lap
Nick: hi baby
Paige: hi
He kisses me
Paige: I love you
Nick: I love you too
I blush and he kisses my cheek
Kouvr: ok stop
I giggle
Nick: what are y'all doing
Paige: picking my outfit out for our date
Nick: oh really now
Paige: yeah
Kouvr: y'all gotta cover those hickeys
Nick: why
Kouvr: so Hollywood fix doesn't see
Nick: already saw them
Kouvr: mhm great
Nick: we are going at 7:00
Paige: baby it's 6:00
Nick: I know
Paige: fuck ok
I get off his lap and we get the clothes and me and kouvr go back in her and Alex's room
Kouvr: ok here's outfit one
She hands me the first outfit and I go in the bathroom and change into this

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