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*Phil's pov*
Slowly i open my eyes only to see nothing but Dan standing in front of the bed.
"So you've woken up." Dan says.
"Dan why am i tied up in bed....NAKED?!?!?!?!"
"We're gonna have some fun...." There's something scary and sexy about Dan being so sinister...
Dan walked out of the room. "DAN COME BACK WHERE ARE YOU"
"I'm back, calm the fuck down" Dan has a tiny little box in his hands. "What's in the box?" I ask, scared for what's in the box.
"You'll see." Dan slowly starts to undress and to be honest... I'm really turned on right now.
"According to your penis i am really hot" Dan smirks. I dont answer.
Dan opens the box and grabs a needle. "Dan what are you gonna do with that??

*Dan's pov*
I slowly crawl onto bed and grab a needle. I bring the needle to Phil's leg and make tiny circles with it. "Dan what are you doing" Phil mutters. I smirk. By now i've put pressure onto the needle and his leg is bleeding. I bring my face to his leg and lick the blood off his leg. "Mmm your blood tastes good kitten" Phil looks scared. I grab the needle and slash his penis. Phil shrieks out of pain and I do it again. And again. And again. Then I start licking his penis and sucking him off. Phil starts moaning and I start bobbing my head up and down.
You fucking enjoy this don't you.
While bobbing up and down I put pressure on his dick with my teeth and when he is close to cumming, I stop. I remove my head from his cock and sit up. Phil looks confused and desperate for a release. "You enjoyed that didn't you?" Phil sighs a 'yeah'. "Well kitten it's all over.

Just like your life". And with that I grab a kitchen knife and slash his cock violently until it falls on the floor. "dAN WHY DID YOU DO THAT OH MY GOD IT HU-" I put my finger to his mouth "Shh kitten it will all be over soon".
I put the knife to his chest and press hard. The knife goes in all the way and I'm pretty sure I've cut the mattress. By now the whole bed is covered in blood and Phil is dead. I grab his dick and walk to the kitchen. I grab a pan out of the kithen drawer and turn on the stove. I put the pan on the fire and put Phil's dick in the pan. Its done after 10 minutes and i put it on a plate and eat it. Phil's dick tastes delicious.... What if the neighbours noticed and called the police!?! Phil was screaming they probably have heard something. I know what i have to do. I walk to the front door, open the door and walk to the lift. I press the button of the 15th floor(the roof) and I wait quite unpatient and when finally the lift has arrived I step out of the lift and the cold London air hits me. I dont care. My life will be over in 1 minute. I walk closer to the edge and look down. If I dont do this, what will my friends think if they found out? What will my mum think? They'll probably call the police so I have to do this. And with that I raised my arms like a cross and let my body fall to the ground.

The needle ficWhere stories live. Discover now