Chapter 10

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When Cooper wakes up its to blinding white buzzing lights.

For a moment he's travelled back in time. To the day he woke up with his heart carved out and his memories taken from him.

But revenge no longer burns a hole in his chest. His heart is not yearning for someone that is gone. And for the first time since that fateful night all those years ago, Cooper remembers everything.

But just like the last time, when he wakes up, its to a constant stream of questions.

At first, it's just nurses asking him if he knows what year it is, if he remembers the name of the current president, things to prove that his mind is in the right place.

Then its doctors talking him through his latest gunshot wound and how he's lucky to be alive. He's got no movement because the bullet ripped through a cluster of nerves, and he's older now so recovery will take longer. He will need a lot of physical therapy to get over this. And of course, that is not good new, but better than being dead.

But then the cops come.

He finds out that Andrew Paxton is in the hospital himself. A car accident while they were transporting Ruelle has kept him from bouncing back. They expect him to recover, but he had much to recover from first.

They found a secondary body too. Down from the cabin. A woman, also naked, like their witness said she had been when she had escaped. She had bullet hole in her side. She had bled out on the mountain. Which, Cooper realized, was probably how Errol got that blood along his side. They had tried to rescue the last girl and failed.

With Sherriff Booth being the main suspect and dead, Andrew out of commission and Carol questioning him being considered a conflict of interest they sent the FBI. Specifically, the Internal Affairs for the FBI, as they were the only ones deemed able to actually question Cooper about how all of this happened.

Though, to be fair, they were going to send the FBI anyway once it was confirmed that there was a graveyard up where they found the remains of Sherriff Booth and a dying Cooper. The FBI usually got involved when a Serial Killer popped up.

They asked him what he knew of the bodies. But he only knew of one and she wasn't a body anymore. So he had to tell them he knew nothing about any of them.

They asked if he knew some of them, and he wanted to say no. But he did.

He was horrified to learn that people from his life were up in that clearing, not just Ruelle.

His mother is buried up there. So is Ruelle's mother and countless others, all listed as missing, some longer than others. This wasn't just Harvey there are decades of death in that clearing.

He had absolutely no idea that his father or his ancestors had been using that cottage in the mountains as a headquarters of torture and murder. He told them that the cycle had and is going to end with him but it's not until they carbon date some of the skeletons and they realize that most of the women were put in the ground before he was born, when he was too young to be a part of the plot or while he was living else where that they believe him.

Then he tells them what he remembers.

He tells them that he remembers the night Ruelle went missing. He remembers her body, gutted like a deer. He remembers his father shooting Errol and then shooting him.

He tells them that the reason Ruelle was killed was because his father had dumped the body they found down from his, and Ruelle had caught him doing it. He killed her to shut her up, and then tried to kill his own son when he found him with the dead body of his girlfriend.

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