5th anniversary

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Pov: Lorelei

The event gonna start 5 minutes, our event Emcee Jamie Santiago this women was too focus on this kind of job maybe because of her fashion now she was gonna start announcing the Qed club member name to have an opening entrance

In the back stage i can't fucos memorizing my speech because of the new Moriarty case and the culprit who want to destroy our event hope our plan gonna be successful catching Moriarty minions is bonus

In the middle of memorizing my speech
I heard some announcements over the stage our Emcee Jamie Santiago she was good at entertaining the student
But know he disguise because of her grand entrance in the opening

''Now let me introduce our Qed vice president and the founder of Qed university and having a sharp observation skill please welcome
Lorelei Rios"

I immediately walk and go to the stage
Having this high heels i was afraid to slippery falling to the ground i position
My self in the side of Jamie Santiago
I was now in the front of all student in Qed university I wave my right hand
Student start giving an round of applause

All student look innocent they doesn't know that if we fail in our mission 1000 of them might be die but i need to keep my smile in front of them loki said that i need to act normal so the culprit are not getting alarmed

"Next let me introduce you our chief police in clark city pampanga he was the wall of our Qed club having a good physical combat skill please welcome
Alistair ravena" i saw a 5'7 man wearing police uniform after he climb the stair he was position his self in right side of mine he give a salute to the student

Student know him very much some of the girls having a crush on him aside from his looks he have a muscular body
They saw his 6 pack abs in all star event on basketball in foundation day

'Now let me introduce you our Qed president and founder of this Qed university having a best deduction skill
Don't be wondered why he was our club president Louise Kingsley Mendez also known as Loki please give him a round of applause

I saw a bored looking face going to our side wearing black shirt and pajama
He doesn't want to be in the font of many people he was only standing on the stage he didn't mind of giving a wave to the student i please him to wear a blue tuxedo and black pants but he refuse this man are ruin our image as a Qed club

'Now let me introduce to you our new recruit member wysiwyg , hel and herschel, their skill was...' before Jamie continue her speech loki immediately talk her why these dude are going to have a conversation with Jamie in the middle of our entrance

Loki said to Jamie to off her mic after that he say that we need to hide our new member skill if one of Moriarty minion was her that gonna be another details that they can use in their future plan people start murmur toneach other why our Emcee and our president having a one on one talk in the stage

Me Loki and Jamie not Notice that our three member are on the stage now
People start a weird applause to them
Not knowing that this new generation of detective was more better skill and potential that in our highschool day

Jaime start to remove her cap and her voice are gonna back to normal
Student gonna have a goosebump they don't expect that our Jamie Santiago was here because we announce before that she maybe not going to attend this event because of modeling because if not maybe all people in the country are gonna attend this anniversary

Jamie start introducing her self
'Guys are you shock? let me introduce my self first the super model an actress
Having a retentive memory me myself and i Jamie Santiago' people start shouting and give her a very loud applause

But she was not the only special guest in this event a girl wearing a white dress and a man wearing white tuxedo are start waking and going to the stage
People are wondering why our mayor and vice mayor are here to participate in our 5th anniversary

After that i start my speech "Good evening Thank you to each and every one of you for being here with us today. We are pleased to be able to welcome those of you that have been with us for years now as well as those of you who are new to the Qed university"

i take a one glass of wine in the small table in my back

"lets start this event by drinking this wine every one cheers"

Hope loki deduction of the culprit using the ice to poison the student was right so the student might be not harm after all of us drinking the wine some student are start falling on the ground
The other was thinking why some student are start falling to the ground but the other who remain standing are dizzy and after a minute they are all falling in the ground

I immediately jump in the stage and go to the ground i was running to one student who was closest distance to me
I check his pulse it was not beating

It took a minute to realize what happened

Jamie screamed at the top of here lungs, clawing her face

How... how could this happened

One moment they was fine the next they was no longer....?

The world around me blurred as my eyes were fixed on the student who are lifeless... in front of me i can see whore are the people standing beside me because of tears maybe it's my Qed club freind and i can't hear what they are saying i could my own screams anymore all i cared about was on student life in their family

I was too dependent in loki plan
So i don't expect this coming

I dropped to my knees and tears began to rolling down my checks i could even here Jamie cries in my left side my head bowled and leaned toward the floor loki tried to push me away from the student body but i didn't care i was his fault all of our graduation student are dead know

My fists clenched as i stood up right
My nails buried deep into my skin, for a second, i thought puching loki in face
I wanted it to be my reply to his apology

And yet i manage to stay still I could manage myself be carried away by emotions

I saw loki Alistair and wysiwyg running thet might catching the 5 crew trying to escape in the gymnasium....

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