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Story type: Drama, a bit apocalyptic, supernatural

Key Words: survival, violence, magical/supernatural, WOOJIN (the idea and the first few chapters were written befor the whole Woojin ordeal, so I will keep him in this story. Just a warning)

Word count: 702

It's a book idea. I have already written two chapters but I guess I will wait for you guys to comment if you would wanna read something like that


Jisung's POV

Painful intake of a breath.

Strained breath out.

The noises and voices fade out and the vision becomes blurry. Everything seems to happen in slow motion as my head hits the pavement.

Again. A normal day in a life of a Stray Kid or more like a Stray man as from now on.

Out of the corner of my eyes I can make out feet moving and fabric fluttering with each movement but so slow, it seems like a simple irritation of the light.

I wish it would be just that. An irritation. Not real.

Although out of focus, my eyes register how a hand followed by a chest and a familiar face come in contact with the grey floor in a harsh manner. Some liquid dripping from his face and lips as his eyes meet mine. Some of the red substance splutters across the bottom half of my face but I can't manage to move even an eyelid, face and eyes frozen in a dead expression. My limbs weighted down by gravity in such a cruel way.

The brunette's eyes widen as he lifts his head off of the floor and stretches his arm out to me but he is too far away, so blurred in with the background that his hand could never reach me.

A gust bristles through the back of my hair and thick dust snows down onto the side of my face and the palm of my hand that's in eyesight. The light thud that vibrates throughout the numb body parts of mine leads me to the conclusion that someone must have fallen to the ground right beside me.

Maybe an opponent. Maybe one of us.

My eyes start to burn due to being kept open even tho liquid, dust and gust confronted them. Tears start to form without me being able to do something against it.

An unknown force beside me grabs onto the clothes covering my upper body and rips my limb self up and down, not quit managing to lift more than my rip cage up from the ground. The muffled voice makes a breath leave my lips and my eyelids close for a millisecound. The tears cascading down my cheeks and darkening the dusty surface of the cold pavement under my cheek.

As my eyes flutter open like slow butterfly wings strockes, the body of the person out of sight dissappears as if it was never there. Another long slicing breath leaves my lips and whirls up the dust beside me.

Two legs near the frame clothed in white, who pulls his hand back out of my direction, and crouch down, just as slow as everything else displays infront of my dried eyes.

I don't notice how a big form towers over me until a shadow casts down over my eyes, making me turn my head in a tired out motion; only to see the underside of a shoe already nearing my face.

An ironic smile spreads on my lips.

How much I hate this all...

And then the impact of the heel. My head crashes against the hard surface under me with a numbness I am thankfull for and my sizzled vision grows dottier and fades out completely, wrapping me into the warm darkness I already grew accustomed to a long time ago.

Hey Guys!

I'm not actually really new to Stray kids or the fandom but there is so much more to discover about them that I can't get enough!

If you wanna share your fav skz song or MV or ship or anything, just let me know!

I would love to interact with you guys while writting this story. Hellevator inspired me to write this story and I love this song so much! Their visuals, the vocals, the rap and the Choreo! It's just so awesome!

I hope you'll like the story^^


©2020 Mel_Chimchim All rights reserved.

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