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chapter three;no turning back─────── • ❥ • ───────

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chapter three;
no turning back
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The concept of 'socialising' still hadn't been reached amidst the members of the tour group. Everyone still sat on their own, conversations had stopped altogether other than the faint murmur of Jeno and Donghyuck translating and guiding Jaemin, and the heat was enough to knock a horse out. Civilisation was all around them now outside, which meant they'd finally reached Kyoto after intense awkward silence.

Renjun had to clip his damp fringe back and snapped an icepack to lay it on his forehead. The sweat was so uncomfortable, but this was better than nothing. Subtly, a few of the others saw his brilliant idea to bring such a thing along and were jealous. But nobody raised a simple question like; do you have a spare? It was immature, really, how childish they were all acting.

"Okay, okay, I think this thing is telling me we're low on petrol," Jaemin suddenly yawned from the front, and everyone furrowed their brows upon his uncertainty.

"Did you say 'I think'?" Donghyuck enquired. "Shouldn't you know what all this technology is trying to tell you?"

"I said I was new, alright? Get off my ass."

"Oh fuck, we have an untrained driver," Mark ran his fingers through his dark, sweaty hair. "I'm going to die. This is the end for me."

"Stop being so melodramatic," Hyuck rolled his eyes. "He hasn't killed us yet, has he?"

"Yet," Jisung reiterated from the very back. "There is a still a chance he could run us off the side of a fucking mountain."

"Let's all calm down," Renjun raised his voice a small piece to have his point heard, sliding the icepack off his forehead and holding it in his hands. "We're all too hot, we're all sweating buckets, and we're all worried about our wellbeing due to a novice bus driver. Haven't any of you taken into account that we're all in the same boat? The same situation?"

"Which leads me to ask why the hell you're so calm?" Mark groaned. "And you," he jabbed his finger in Chenle's direction who looked dead, all flopped out over his seat, "And you," finally to Jeno. "You three don't seem to give a flying shit that we're all in this situation."

The oldest Chinese adult sighed, stretching out his arms and taking no mind of the question. "This could be a fun trip, and unlike you, I don't want to ruin it. Let's just try to give this a chance, yeah?"

"I'm all for that," Jeno smiled softly, catching Renjun's attention. They sort of held a fond eye contact at their mutual understanding, but it was cut off when the bus suddenly stopped. Everyone jolted forward and then back, gazes shifting to the windows to find themselves at a petrol station.

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