I love you... again

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Trigger Warning:Suicide/thoughts of self harm.

Mitch was at Scott and Marks wedding, trying so hard to not stand up and object. He didn't tell Scott he loved him and now he was never going to.

He sighed as he saw Scott and Mark seal the deal with a kiss and everyone started cheering. Except Mitch. How could he? He was so distraught he couldn't even think straight.

Mitch went home after the wedding reception and sighed as he decided to pour himself a huge glass of champagne.

When he was drinking he was thinking about how the fuck he was going to get on with his life knowing that there was no point. He got a whole bottle of pills from the medicine Cabinet and a knife.

He sighed as he unscrewed the cap of the pill  bottle and put the pills in his mouth. He then took the knife "goodbye world." He said as he dragged the cool metal across his skin.

He collapsed on the floor and then Scott's voice was heard "Mitch?! Where are you. Why'd you leave ea-" he cut himself off "No...nononono." he picked up Mitch's body and Mitch could feel himself going to the light.

"NO!" Mitch said as he sat up in bed straight.

Pentatonix had ended tour a few days ago and thankfully Carlos had pushed back the proposal day by making Marks mom fall I'll so he had to leave he felt bad but it gave Mitch more time to tell Scott how he felt.

Mitch had been putting it off but he couldn't anymore. Especially after that nightmare.

He had to tell him. He looked at the clock, it read 3am. It was still dark outside but Mitch didn't care about that, he just needed to tell him..now.

Mitch got dressed in a black t-shirt, black sweat pants and sneakers. He fixed his hair and ran downstairs. He grabbed his car keys and saw the knife on the kitchen counter. He sighed and opened the door, running all the way to Scott's house.

He knocked repeatedly until Scott opened the door. He had his hair messy, he looked disheveled and tired but when he saw Mitch he furrowed his eyebrows "Mitch? It's 3 in the morning. Couldn't this wait for tomorrow?"

Mitch shook his head and walked into the house as Scott sighed and closed the door. He turned to face him.

Mitch's heart started racing "I don't want to die." Scott rose an eyebrow and Mitch mentally cursed himself for starting it off that way but he had to go with it now.

"I don't wanna kill myself because I'm depressed because of...well..I..."

"Do you want water or something? You look a little flushed."

Mitch calmed down a little "that would be nice." Scott gave a shy smile and walked to the kitchen with Mitch following behind him.

Scott gave Mitch a water bottle and Mitch took a sip.

Mitch sighed as he took a deep breath "I'm sorry I was a bitch about you and Mark...but I was a bitch because I envied the relationship. I-I envied the relationship and I was jealous because I wanted the relationship...b-but I did-didn't want the relationship per say but I-I wanted you in the relationship. Not like a three way relationship...but like, just me and you. Because I-I love you...again. well not again but I had a dream where I told you I loved you and you reciprocated and it's just. I love you. Ok? I love you and it kills me but I also hate you because you made me love you."

Scott was speechless. He wasn't moving at all. He was frozen and Mitch was worried that he ruined their friendship for good.

And then Mitch's fear became real...

"Mitch...I have a boyfriend...whom I love. You understand that... right?"

Mitch licked his lips and looked down "yeah...I do." Scott nodded and walked up to Mitch "thank you for telling me, but I just-"

"I get it."

Scott goes to give Mitch a hug and Mitch stepped back "I have to go."


But Mitch was already out the door.

When Mitch got home he sighed as he laid down "well that was a disaster." Carlos said as he appeared out of nowhere.

Mitch wiped his tears "yeah..." Carlos sat down on the edge of Mitch's bed "it will all be ok in the end." Mitch sniffled "can you please go."


"Now Carlos."

Carlos then vanished as Mitch cried himself back to sleep.

Mitch avoided Scott the rest of the week, even when they had writing sessions for the original album he didn't look his way once.

Mark was going to propose soon and there was nothing he could do about it. He just had to plaster on a smile and try to support him no matter what.

A week later Mitch was getting coffee at the coffee bar while waiting for the writing session to begin and Scott walked up to him "hey." Mitch ignored him and Scott sighed "I guess I deserve that...but if this is because what happened then you don't have to feel embarrassed. I promise."

Mitch turned to him and whispered "I'm not embarrassed." He walked away and left Scott there alone. He felt bad but if Scott was gonna go and be happy with Mark then he had to stay as far away from him as possible...until his feelings dissapeared at least.

That night Mitch was in bed trying to get some sleep but all he could think about was Scott and Mark getting married and adopting and being happy and it made him wanna barf.

He also was woken up by the sound of rain
It was coming down hard and he couldn't sleep while hearing the rain banging on his roof.

Then he heard a knock at the door.

He looked at the time to see it was 2am. He got out of bed and threw on a shirt as he opened the door to see a soaking wet Scott.


Scott didn't wait for Mitch to invite him in and just walked inside "I'm sorry but I had to see you." Mitch rose an eyebrow "Ok?" Scott took a deep breath "Mark proposed to me."

Mitch crossed his arms "so you just had to tell me? Look, I get it Scott. I'm a joke to you but-"

"I turned him down."

Mitch blinked a couple of times as he just stared at him. Scott gulped "because I bought this a few days ago." Scott pulled out a ring from his coat pocket "I love you Mitch. I've loved you since we were in highschool. Even when you broke my heart I still loved you. When you told me you loved me a few weeks ago I was shocked because I wanted to hear those words come from your mouth for years but then I met Mark and a part of me wishes you stopped me from dating him sooner. I love you Mitchell Grassi...so...will you marry me?"

Mitch's eyes widened and even though this is what he wanted he couldn't bring himself to saying yes, to be honest he oddly felt bad for Mark.

"I'm sorry, Scott, but no. You hurt me." Scott shook his head "I'll make things right. Please."

Mitch looked away and Scott nodded "fine..." He then walked out the door. Mitch closed it behind him and Carlos appeared "How dumb are you?"

Mitch smiled "you're here." Mitch ran to him and hugged him "I knew you would come back. I wanted to say bye and thank you first before you were gone." Carlos laughed a little "well I'm glad you're happy. Now go on and get your man."

Mitch ran out the door and saw Scott halfway down the side walk "SCOTT!"

Scott stopped and turned around, the rain, hopefully blending in with his tears. Mitch ran up to him and yelled "Yes! I will marry you!" Scott smiled wide and picked him up and connected there lips together.

And they lived Happily Ever After

I feel like this is the first ever actual book I have finished and I'm in love with this. This is sadly the last chapter but I really hope you've enjoyed this as much as I have.

Thank you💕💕

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