Piston Pit

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Tom decided to stop at a nearby gas station so he could contact Wade

Tom- I'm gonna go check in with Wade, see if he knows what's going on

Sonic- you're gonna see Wade in that glass thing, what is it a teleportation box

Tom- it's a pay phone, it's mostly for drug dealers and fugitives from the law which is us. Stay in the car, I don't want anybody seeing you

Sonic- fine

He pretends to drive Tom's car until he stops a piston pit next to the gas station

Sonic- ok that is the coolest place on earth but you have to stay in the car

He finds a nearby shirt and hat inside the car

Y/N- Sonic what are you doing

Sonic- going to visit the coolest place on earth

Y/N- what no, bad idea, my dad said we have to stay in the car. Plus I don't think we're allowed in there

Sonic- not unless we disguise ourselves

Y/N- I'm not trying to get myself into trouble

Sonic- come on Y/N, we'll just be in there for a few minutes

Y/N-.......alright fine (I'm gonna be in so much trouble)

She puts on a hoodie as a disguise and then head inside

Wade- *answers the phone* hello, green hills police department

Tom- Wade it's me

Wade- I'm so glad that you called, some guys came in asking some questions, are a little creepy

Tom- wait what kind of questions

Wade- questions about terrorism, I told them that I've gone ice fishing with Tom and he doesn't know how to make a bomb

Tom- Wade this is really important, don't tell them that we talked

Robotnik along with government officials were in the room with Wade

Wade- I think they already know

Robotnik- *grabs the phone* Mr.Wachowski, I want you to know that the only other person who punched me in the face was the school bully. He hit me in the cafeteria causing a blunt force contusion to the soft tissue surrounding my orbital bone. Humiliated me in front of the entire school and you know what I did in response to that

Tom- I'm assuming you reported him to the principal's office

Robotnik- I examined the inefficiency of a world where bran trumped brain and I used technology to resolve that inefficiency. The boy ate his meals through a straw for a year and I had never lost a fight again until today

Tom- hooray for me then

Robotnik- you're about to become the bully with the straw. I'm coming for you Mr.Wachowski and when I catch you I'll-

He hangs up the phone before Robotnik could finish and brings back a meal but he notices Sonic and Y/N were missing

Tom- Sonic?....Y/N?

He had no choice but to go to the piston pit and look for them

Sonic- howdy partner

Tom- I'm not your partner, come on we're leaving

Sonic- but there's a ZZ Top cover band, you gotta see their beards

Tom- you'll have to catch them some other time, let's go

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