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You rushed down the stairs and into the kitchen, Ymir following suit. Connie and Sasha were crouching under the kitchen island, emptying out a hidden cabinet of snacks and what seemed like stuff you'd find at a dinner-party. There were bags of tortilla chips and unopened dips, crates of tonic water and pop, plastic plates and cutlery, and above all, beers and alcoholic beverages. Aside from snacks, there were also two packages of pita bread inside the cabinet.

"Oh my gosh," you muttered under your breath, in awe of all the food that the pair had found. Jean and Marco were already downing a can of beer each, enjoying the liberty of not having any guardians to tell them otherwise.

Next to the cabinet that Connie was searching, you noticed that there was an indent about 15 inches away from it, and wondered if there was another cupboard you had yet to discover. You knelt down and placed your hand under the second cabinet and opened it with a bit of an extra pull. The compartment released cold air upon opening, and with a signature white interior, you had no doubt that it was a mini fridge. Your eyes shone a glimmer of hope at the sight of half a carton of eggs, a carton of milk, sparkling water and bottled water.

"There's more!" Connie chirped, averting his attention to the newly-discovered fridge.

"So this means we'll be good for a while longer," Ymir sighed, relief apparent in her tone.

"We'll have to ration though," you added. "If we plan to leave, we should make sure we have some food for the road in case we can't get into any nearby grocery stores."

"The road?" Sasha blurted as she slowly stood up. "How far are we going? Are we planning on hijacking a car?"

"That... is actually the smartest idea you've had all week, Sasha," Jean intervened, putting his beer down on the countertop with a loud clank. "Do we still have internet?"

Marco fished out his phone from his pocket and searched the top left corner of his screen for the Wi-Fi symbol, nodding as he spoke. "Thankfully, yeah,"

Jean turned to his left and walked towards one of the boarded windows, taking the wooden planks down one by one as he unveiled the window. The sunlight was incredibly bright on everyone's eyes considering you've been locked in an apartment with no outdoor exposure for quite some time. Jean sharply turned away from the sunlight, and slowly brought his palm up to his eyes to shade them from the streams of light. As he peered through the window once more, he scavenged the street below for cars, preferably smart cars which would likely be equipped with start/stop technology. About 100 meters away he caught sight of a Jeep that he hoped to be the latest model of the Wrangler. The other cars on the street were outdated, four-seater cars and trucks that had no way of being accessed, so Jean gambled with the idea that the Jeep had a start/stop function rather than key-in ignition.

He boarded the window back up before making his way back to the island counter, and placed a hand on Marco's shoulder. "We'll start doing some research on cars and try learning how to drive one virtually. It would be a good asset to our escape."

The two boys walked off into the living room, leaving you, Ymir, Connie and Sasha to deal with the food. Connie let out an elongated groan as he stood up, and stretched out his back after being in a squat for so long. You closed the cabinet and fridge doors and rose to your feet, placing your hands on your waist while letting out a content sigh. The sight of functional food sent a flush of temporary relief throughout your body, and you were able to physically feel your tense body relax. Your eyes scavenged the countertop of food, only to see Sasha already indulging in chips and salsa on the other side of the kitchen.

"This is not going to fly," you told her while reaching across Connie to snatch the bag of chips from her hand. "We don't have enough food to snack on leisurely. This is all we have until we get to a grocery store."

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