..:: Bartering ::..

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You tried not to show how excited you were that you were about to see your closest friends again at the auction in Yorknew City, but you did an extremely poor job at concealing such a thing. You were practically bouncing in place as you waved over the crowd of people at Gon, Killua, and Leorio, standing on a bench to make sure you were seen by them. The two young ones noticed you immediately and dashed towards you, Leorio following behind at a slightly slower pace. The smile on his face though was giving away how joyous he was, an impossible thing to hide just like your excitement.

"Gon! Killua! It's so good to see you little rascals again!" You laughed, the two of them having leapt at you for a hug.

"Yay! We finally get to see _______ again!" Gon cheered, hanging from your shoulders.

"Did you learn nen while we were apart?" Killua asked in a smug tone, releasing his grip on your arm along with Gon.

"Of course! Who the hell do you think I am?" You scoffed, stepping down from the bench.

"It's great to see and hear that you're well then, _______!" Leorio piped up, standing at a respectable distance.

"Oh shut up and c'mere. You get a hug too, asshat!" You laughed, yanking him closer into a warm and welcoming hug. "I missed you too, moron."

"G-geez! You haven't changed a bit now have you?" Leorio chuckled, blushing a little as you released him.

"Well I'd hope not! I don't wanna lose my spark." You teased, giving him a light punch to the shoulder. "And by the way, what are those fancy little things poking out of your pockets there Gon? Killua? They look a little pricey if you ask me~"

"Oh! Leorio scored us some new phones so we could contact each other more easily! He haggled it down to a great price compared to what it was originally." Gon explained, still pretty hyped from the experience.

You turned your gaze back to Leorio with a smug grin on your face. "Oh really? And here I thought you were going to school for medicine, not haggling 101." You teased.

"Oh shush. Can't a man have a talent or two?" He shushed, trying to deny the passage of a little chuckle.

"Aw, you know I'm only teasing~" You hummed, elbowing him gently.

"Oi Gon! We forgot! We still have a lot of cash to round up, so we should probably get on doing so to make sure we can get enough in time." Killua suddenly piped up, realizing why they were there in the first place.

"Aww, you're right. Sorry _______, we need literal millions right now. Sorry to leave you alone with Leorio but we'll be back later!" Gon said to you before jogging off with Killua to get their deed done.

"Oi! You say that like it's a bad thing!" Leorio yelled after them, making you laugh a little.

Both Gon and Killua waved back at you with childish smiles, enjoying the slight annoyance they caused Leorio as they left, disappearing into the crowd. That left you with Leorio and a whole market to wander through, as well as a long day ahead of you.

"They're just playing, Leorio." You snorted. "But what are they after anyway?"

"Greed Island." He replied with a bit of a sigh.

"As in THE Greed Island?! Holy hell, they have a lot of cash to round up." You explained, quite shocked by their goal.

"Indeed they do. I'm sure they'll find a loophole somewhere though. Those kids are crazy." He chuckled.

"For their sake, I hope there is a loophole." You agreed. "But anyway, since it's just you and me now, what do you say we do a bit of shopping eh? Show me those haggling skills in action hmm?"

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