Chapter 3

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"ALRIGHT LADIES, BEAUTY SLEEP IS OVER! NOW GET UP, GET DRESSED AND GO TO THE TRAINING GROUNDS IN 30 MINUTES!." Commander Shadis yelled from behind the door of the Girl's barracks. But by now, I had already gotten use to baldy's yelling anyway.

It had been almost 2 and a half weeks since my encounter with Jean. Since then, I actually met someone who might hate him more than me named Eren Yeager. Mikasa was his adopted sister but like me, Eren couldn't stand Jean or "horseface" as he called him. Damnit, I should've come up with a name too. Hay eater? Hoof stomper? Ugh, never mind.

After I finished getting ready, I walked with Mikasa and Sasha aka Potato girl from the ceremony. She's actually really funny, despite her always unsatisfied need for food.

"What do you think we're doing today?" Mikasa asked us.

"Hopefully not anything in the forest." Said Sasha. "I swear, last time was SO embarrassing."

"Haha, what happened?"

"So there I was, up in the trees with Connie and Mina. We were assisting the senior cadets with ODM training by moving the targets, right? You know, helping out. But then, CONNIE had the bright idea of to start goofing around and accidentally PUSHED me out of the tree. But you know what made it WORSE? HMM?"

"Oh god, what?"



"STOP LAUGHING, THE BOTH OF YOU! He made me run till sunset EVERY DAY of that week!" Sasha said mortified.

"So THAT'S why you were always late to dinner last week. I was wondering where your hungry ass was." Mikasa replied.

"Yeah, we were wondering where our little food lover was~"

Sasha rolled her eyes at and pinched our ears playfully to play mad.

As we're walking, I watch as two girls from our barracks past by us to rush over to Jean and a cute freckled faced guy.

Jean catches me staring and a haughty grin mouthes "Jealous?" to me.  I hmphed, looking away in annoyance as I walked to the spot in my row, waiting for instructions.

As if I would be jealous of a pompous prick.

To our surprise today, It was the Commander's Right hand Lieutenant Ernst who was explaining training today. I liked Lieu. Ernst because he never felt the need to yell at us every time he spoke unlike a certain Commander...

"Alright cadets, today we are going to evaluate you on your ODM gear form. We will split you into groups of four and assess you all. This is to help us understand where your skills rank. You should already have the hang of balancing with gear by now." The curly haired Lieutenant explained.

As we were assigned groups, I couldn't help contain my excitement. I always had top scores in school so I felt pumped to be evaluated since I was surprisingly good at training. My excitement was short lived though when I heard my name being called by the Commander.


Just my luck. Not only am I paired with Jean, I also get a goofball and she who can not be away from her dear Christa without being a bitch.

As I find Connie and wait for the others, I feel someone's presence behind me. It isn't until the spikey brown haired male gets closer that I feel his warm breath linger by the side of my face.

"Are you sure you want to continue this whole "enemy" thing you came up with? Cause you should know, I can get very competitive~" Jean whispers directly into my ear making my breath hitch, telling him it was working.

Trying not to blush and feel vulnerable, I rolled my eyes and looked straight into his.

"Bring it, horseface." I reply, sounding unfazed as I walked away.

"Oh c'mon, you too?" I hear the tall cadet say behind me as I smirk.

Ugh, what am I thinking? My dumbass needs to get it together. A guy's touch shouldn't be making me feel this way.

I mosey on over to our group's gear set up to find Ymir already there. I need to put my mind elsewhere.

After a while, Commander Shadis and Lieutenant Ernst finally walk over to evaluate our group. They first watch Connie fumble, have Ymir go second and do quite well, and then call Jean as the third cadet to be evaluated.

As he walks by, he grins, saying to me with a complacent face.

"Watch and learn, Cadet L/N."

Donkey head ass.

He approaches the set up as he secures the ODM harness to his side. When the set up went off, There Jean was with an almost perfect form.

"Wow." Lieutenant Ernst exclaims as he writes on a clipboard. "Impressive form, the only other cadets who could rank this high are Ackermann, Braun, Leonhart, and Hoover. Great job. Uhh let's see, Cadet L/N, are you ready for your evaluation?" The Lieutenant looks up and over to me.

"Yes, sir." I respond. As Jean hands me the gear he whispers a mocking "Good luck~" to me. I roll my eyes as I reply.

"Thanks~but I won't be needing it!" He smirks as he backs away from the set up.

The set up goes off as I thought to myself. Yeah he's good, but I'm really good.


"Thank you, sir." I said to the Commander while staring at Jean, knowing his ass was swallowing his words right now.

"That really is an amazing form. Truly ideal for ODM. Nicely done, Cadet L/N." Lieutenant Ernst says as he turns to my group. "Maybe you all could learn something from L/N here." He says as he and the Commander leave our group.

Ignoring the other cadets watching, I stroll on over to a shocked looking Jean. Doing the exact thing he did to me, only this time I put my hand behind his neck, pulling his face to mine as I whisper into his ear in my most seductive voice.

"I think it would better you, to learn from me~" I exclaimed as I watched his face go red.

Feeling like a bad bitch, I walked past him as I admitted to myself something I just now realized.

What a fun game this was~


Author's note: hey🧍‍♀️so i mainly uploaded the first three chapters fairly quickly just to set up the story so I hope u sexy mfs like how it's going so far:)

Also this Lieu. Ernst isn't really real. There is someone in aot with blonde curly hair but he's not given a name so I gave him one. Ok? ok.

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