The fight Part One

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I see a crowd of people standing in a circle all looking at something. I walk up to them and push my way through to see Duke and Jack fighting.

Y/N: "hey what are you guys going?"

Duke: "I'm trying to kill him"

Jack: "and I'm trying to have him back off because your mine"

Y/N: "no I'm not!"

Jack: "Y/N what did we talk about"

Y/N: "ok fine yes I'm your girlfriend"

As we were talking Duke took his chance to punch him. Then Jack punched Duke back  but even harder making Duke fall to the ground in pain. So you kneel down next to him.

Y/N: "hey Duke are you ok?"

Duke: "not really"

Y/N: "where does it hurt?"

Duke: "in the stomach and before you came he kicked me down there"

I take off my backpack and put it under his head for support.

Y/N: "is there anything I can do to help"

Duke: "get me an ice pack"

I turn around to one of the kids watching this all happen and ask them to go get one. They come back and I hand it to Duke.

Y/N: "here you go"

Duke: "thank you Y/N"

Jack: "why are you helping him?"

Y/N: "because I care unlike you"

Jack: "stand up!"

Y/N: "what? Why?"

Jack: "because I said so"

Y/N: "ok.......?"

I stand up and look down at Duke and then Jack grabs my face by cupping my cheeks and kisses me. I pull out of his grip and kick him down there. He falls to the floor crying like a baby from the pain as I smile and go back over to Duke.

Duke: ""

Y/N: "how do you feel?"

Duke: "it's starting to feel better but it's really cold"

Y/N: "could I see your stomach?"

Duke: "sure"

He lifts his shirt a little and I can see his perfect abs and a big bruise. Then I put my hand on his stomach and it's freezing cold.

Duke: "OW that hurt"

Y/N: "sorry Duke I wanted to see how cold your stomach is"

Duke: "so how bad is it?"

Y/N: "well you have a bruise and your stomach is really cold"

Duke: "may you please stay with me for a little longer"

Y/N: "well I don't want to leave you here in pain"

Duke: "thank you Y/N your so nice"

By now most of the kids have left and are talking to their friends. Only a few are still here and are on their knees looking at Duke to make sure he is ok.

Y/N: "hey if you guys want you can go I think Duke will be fine"

They/them: "ok, are you sure?"

Y/N: " yes I am, what do you think Duke?"

Duke: "yea I'll be ok"

They all get up and leave. Then Duke's eyes get wide and whispers

Duke: "my ex is walking over, act normal"

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