Chapter 3

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The small disheveled man walked quickly down a hallway deep inside the headquarters of the CIA in Langley Virginia. He paused once to swallow some medicine to help settle his upset stomach; it hadn't been a good day. Reaching the correct office, he entered after the quickest of knocks. Inside the office, an older man in a rumpled suit and round glasses sat hunched over a cluttered desk, pinching the bridge of his nose in hopes of lessening the headache that never seemed to go away.

"Yes Dillon?" said the man in the office.

"Sir, we have confirmed our findings with both the British and Germans. They have seen the same things we have," stated Dillon.

"So, give me an overview of what we know then."

"Yes sir. Well, over the last few years, we have been keeping track of known arms dealers, so we can track who is selling what and to whom, and trying to determine where the arms would show up, so that we can try to head off conflicts before they start. If we know who is trying to get the arms, we know where the next hot spot might be," explained Dillon.

"Yes, yes, I know about that effort, now tell me what has everyone worried now," demanded the man with the glasses.

"Well sir, the problem is that recently, we've had several transactions that, well, disappear."


"Yes sir. There have been several instances where we were able to determine a purchase was made, but then the equipment just disappears. It hasn't shown up in any known conflict or location, and spies placed near known trouble makers have not seen any trace of them at all."

"I can see where that might be an issue. How much equipment are we talking about?"

Dillon was sweating now. "Too much sir. We know a squadron of older French Mirage jets are missing, likewise a unit of self-propelled artillery and four companies of tanks and mechanized infantry vehicles that we had left in Saudi Arabia after pulling out of the Middle East. We know of at least one Russian nuclear submarine, and we're trying to confirm rumors of a second being sold. Lastly, we know that yesterday a nuclear weapon was sold in the Ukraine, and then that disappeared as well."

"My lord!" gasped the man in the glasses. "Who is buying all of this up?"

"That is the problem sir. We have no idea. We're not sure if it is the Libyans, a rogue warlord in one of the Asian countries, or a new player that we haven't even heard of yet."

"All right Dillon, good work. Now we need to find out what is going on. Get a hold of our counterparts in all of the NATO countries, we're going to need to meet and get something in place soon. We can't have some maniac running around with all that fire power and not at very least know who it is."

"Yes sir, I'm on it!"

Turning quickly, Dillon left the office and hurried to his own smaller one. He had a lot of calls to make, but by the end of the week he felt sure there would be answers to be had and a plan in place to stop whoever was stockpiling all of these weapons.

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