The Practice Match Against Karasuno

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I watched as the our volleyball team walked out. Probably to meet Karasuno. I can't wait to see who would win. But, I think that we would win. I waited for like about 10 second after they left then thought, 'Why not go meet them too?' and quickly ran outside. I saw Hinata-san say, "Kenma!" and Kenma turn to face him. "Ne, ne, ne," Hinata-san said. "You're with Nekoma?"

"Yeah! We are!" I said cheerfully. "Aki!" said Hinata-san. "Hello!" I said in response. "Anyway, why didn't you guys tell me you were with Nekoma?" he asked disappointed. Kenma looked away. "Well, you didn't ask..." he said. "But you said 'See you soon'. You must've known something." "Your t-shirt said, 'Karasuno High School'!" I said cheerfully.

"Hey, hey, hey," said Yamamoto-san with a murderous aura around him which clearly scared Hinata-san since he stiffened. "What business might you have with our setter and emotional support?" "It's fine." said Kenma looking at Yamamoto-san. 

"S-sorry." said Hinata-san backing away but then bumped into a person from his team. Baldy looked mad. "You too," he said also with a murderous aura around him. "What business do you have with our first-year?" "Is there a problem?" Yamamoto-san asked. "Wanna fight, city boy?" Baldy asked glaring at Yamamoto-san. Kenma and I watched them calmly while Hinata-san looked unsure what to do.

"We're going to 'fight'. That's why we're here to play the match. And stop with the 'city boy' thing. It's embarrassing," said a dark grey haired person. I wonder if he got those grey hairs by being around his team too much. Baldy stiffened. "Yamamoto, you're always quick to pick a fight. Stop it. It makes you look stupid," said Yaku-san. Then Yamamoto-san froze.

Baldy and Yamamoto-san looked depressed together. While they were being depressed, Yaku-san and Gray Hair started talking. "Sorry about that. He's an embarrassment," Yaku-san said. "I'm sorry too." said Gray Hair. "I'm embarrassed." Then Yamamoto-san stiffened and Baldy started sweating. I saw a girl with shoulder length black hair and pink glasses.

She had the Karasuno High jacket on. Yamamoto-san then started blushing and stuttered, "Lady... Manager... Beauty..." while Shibiyama-san said, "Score!" and Inuoka-san said, "A lady manager." and together they said, "We win yakisoba bread!" "I'll make you regret this!" said Yamamoto-san while crying. "Taketora-san, you can't escape." said Inuoka-san. Then a boy with black hair said, "How come you know them?"

Hinata-san said, "I met them during a town run. The boy said he is Nekoma's setter and the girl is the emotional support person." I think the boy only heard setter because he soon had a fiery aura. "Setter..." he said. Hinata-san stepped back a step. Soon, we were in our gym. "We're looking forward to our match today," said Kuro smiling. "We're looking forward to it, as well," said I guess Karasuno's captain. Hinata-san then said, "Wow! The ceiling is so high!" "This is normal," said Black hair.

Kenma POV

Soon, we players were huddling together. Kuro started speaking, "We're like the blood in our veins. We must flow without stopping. Keep the oxygen moving and your mind working. Let's do this!" and the team cheered, "Yes!" I walked up to Kuro and said, "Kuro, can you stop giving those speeches? They're embarrassing." 

Yamamoto then said, "Who cares? They help set the mood." and Kai said, "They're supposed to be thought provoking." Which made Kuro say, "And that's that." I sighed.

I saw Aki walk up to the audience seats and sit down to watch. Now we were lined up on one side of the net while Karasuno was on the other. Then referee said, "We now begin the practice match of Nekoma High School versus Karasuno High School." We said, "Let's play!" Soon, we were in our positions. Inuoka then saw Shoyo and said, "Wow. Short..." Which made Shoyo say, "D-don't underestimate me!" 

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