Multiple Personalities~

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Authors Note: Okay, Girlsies and Guysies. :) So This Is My 3rd Story On Wattpad, and my first story I plan on actually finishing. LMAO. I deleted the other ones, because I could feel they weren't strong enough in the foundation. :D Here's a brand new storyyy. :] (Comment, Vote, Fan, Share!)


P.s The Video Is NeverShoutNever, Trouble. It really inspired me to write this story.


Prologue. Or Epilogue. I forgot which. Hehehe.

"G'bye," I mumbled. "I'll miss you too." I muttered.

My dad bent down to ruffle my hair, and I sprang up crossing my arms around his neck. "I love you daddy." I whispered, hoarsely.

I watched as the cops led him out of my house, and into the cop car. I heard my dad say, "I'll miss ya, kiddo."

I ran towards the end of the driveway, watching as the black and white car zoomed off, turning into a dot in the horizon, and finally disapearring. I stifled back tears as I met my daddy's friend, Linda.

"Hey, sweetie," She said. "How are you?"

Linda was the sweetest person I knew. She never told, or asked, any one about herself. She always had a lot of confidence, but not too much to make her cocky or anything. She had short blonde, frayed, hair that caught everyone's attention, then she had these silky brown eyes, making my hazel eyes look like shit.

I ignored the question she answered me, and countered her with a new one. "How would you feel if your dad was driven away in a police car?" I tartly asked, then walked away.

I felt a pang of guilt, but anger was all that I could muster up. I pushed away the guilt and cried into my pillow. ~

Multiple PersonalitiesWhere stories live. Discover now